How do you become a CAP member?

How do you become a CAP member?

How to Join

  1. Find a local CAP Senior or Composite Squadron.
  2. Contact the squadron and arrange to visit a meeting.
  3. Attend a meeting.
  4. Complete the Membership Application and FD 258 Fingerprint Card (available at your squadron).
  5. Submit your application, fingerprint card and dues through one of the following ways:

How much does it cost to join CAP?

CIVIL AIR PATROL FAQ. Q: How much does it cost to join CAP? A: The initial cost is $67.00 (2 checks- $35 & $32 made payable to Civil Air Patrol). Thereafter there are annual NY Wing dues of $32 and LI Group dues of $15.

Do CAP members get paid?

No, you are a volunteer member of Civil Air Patrol. All activities you do are donations of your time and expertise to help your country and community.

How do you start a CAP squadron?

How to Join

  1. Find a local CAP Cadet or Composite Squadron.
  2. Contact the squadron and arrange to visit a meeting with your parents.
  3. Attend at least three weekly meetings.
  4. Complete the Membership Application.
  5. Submit your application through one of the following ways:

Is Civil Air Patrol expensive?

Annual membership dues vary by state and consist of National, Regional, and Wing dues combined. The average amount can range from $50 and up for new adult members and about $30 and up for cadets.

Can adults join CAP?

Though Civil Air Patrol is known for its flying missions, CAP adults members, known as Senior Members, do so much more than just fly. In fact less than a fifth of all CAP members are pilots or aircrew members. CAP adult members come from all walks of life. CAP also needs adults to support the cadet program.

Will Civil Air Patrol teach me fly?

CAP does not normally provide primary flight training for members. That said, we do have a lot of members who are also Certified Flight Instructors and often willing to provide training to members at reduced rates. We have several scholarships that help CAP Cadets obtain a pilot’s license. …

Do you salute CAP officers?

It is customary for CAP members to salute these international officers as a sign of goodwill. When in doubt, salute. Anyone may render a salute at any time if they believe one is warranted. The salute originated in the age of chivalry.

How many aircraft does CAP have?

560 planes
Operates one of the largest fleets of single-engine piston aircraft in the world, with 560 planes currently available. Flew a record 35,664 orientation flights for CAP cadets, as well as Air Force ROTC and Junior ROTC cadets.

Can active duty military Join Civil Air Patrol?

No. Membership in Civil Air Patrol does not obligate you to any military service; nor will you be called to service or deployed.

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