How do tandem charges work?

How do tandem charges work?

The first stage of the weapon is typically a weak charge that either pierces the reactive armour of the target without detonating it leaving a channel through the reactive armour so that the second warhead may pass unimpeded, or simply detonates the armour, causing the timing of the counter-explosion to fail.

What is Tandem HEAT?

Tandem heat is a very powerful warhead which is usually reserved for armored vehicles that have ERA or are heavily armored like MBT’s. However right now the Tandem warhead will kill any vehicle in one hit.

What is a tandem anti-tank?

A tandem-charge weapon is an explosive device or projectile that has two or more stages of detonation. It is effective against reactive armour, which is designed to protect an armoured vehicle (mostly tanks) against anti-tank munitions.

What is a tandem RPG?

The PG-7VR is a tandem charge RPG warhead designed to penetrate up to 750 mm rolled homogeneous armour equivalence of explosive reactive armor and the conventional armor underneath. It is also capable of penetrating two metres of brick or 1.5 m of reinforced concrete; this is the normal penetration of the main charge.

What are Nera elements?

NERA usually consists of two metal (steel, aluminium or titanium) layers with a confined/compressed layer of an elastic material such as rubber sandwiched inbetween. Upon impact, the rubber will expand and the armor will bulge.

How does tank reactive armor work?

Reactive armour is a type of vehicle armour that reacts in some way to the impact of a weapon to reduce the damage done to the vehicle being protected. Essentially all anti-tank munitions work by piercing the armour and then either killing the crew inside, or disabling vital mechanical systems, or both.

Who invented Heatfs?

Shaped charge warheads were promoted internationally by the Swiss inventor Henry Mohaupt, who exhibited the weapon before World War II. Before 1939, Mohaupt demonstrated his invention to British and French ordnance authorities.

What are tandem rounds?

The phenomenon referred to as “tandem bullets” occurs when two (or more) projectiles are expelled from a firearm barrel in a single pull of the trigger. A “tandem gunshot wound” occurs when tandem bullets produce injuries.

Who invented era armor?

The idea of counterexplosion (kontrvzryv in Russian) in armour was first proposed by the Scientific Research Institute of Steel (NII Stali) in 1949 in the USSR by academician Bogdan Vjacheslavovich Voitsekhovsky (1922–1999). The first pre-production models were produced during the 1960s.

Does the Abrams have Era?

The Abrams has ERA for the hull and turret sides. This includes a box type as well as some that are curved. The curved type ERA was used with the TUSK upgrade for urban warfare conditions. Along with bar armor at the rear.

What are the bricks on Russian tanks?

Then there is Russia’s Kontakt-5 explosive reactive armor (ERA). These ERA blocks, also known as bricks, give the tank its distinctive squared appearance. They are spaced and installed in such a way as to mitigate the penetrating power of certain armor-piercing munitions.

Who invented HEAT shells?

History. Soviet 125 mm HEAT BK-14 Shaped charge warheads were promoted internationally by the Swiss inventor Henry Mohaupt, who exhibited the weapon before the Second World War. Prior to 1939 Mohaupt had demonstrated his invention to British and French ordnance authorities.

What is a tandem charge weapon?

A tandem-charge or dual-charge weapon is an explosive device or projectile that has two or more stages of detonation. Tandem charges are effective against reactive armour, which is designed to protect an armoured vehicle (mostly tanks) against anti-tank munitions.

How do tandem charge missiles work?

Cruise missiles equipped with large tandem-charge warheads can use the first charge to create a hole into which the missile flies before exploding the second charge, creating a similar effect of the delayed gravity bomb. An example of an anti-structure tandem-charge warhead is the BROACH warhead.

Are tandem charges effective against non-explosive reactive armour?

However, tandem-charges are useful only against ERA (explosive reactive armour) types of reactive armour, much less so against the non-explosive reactive armour (NxRA) types, since their inner liner is not explosive itself and thus not expended by the small forward warhead of tandem-charge attack.

How is the maximum charge on a tandem switch calculated?

The maximum charge shall be calculated by dividing the total costs of the multiplexers on the end office -side of the tandem switch by the annual access minutes of use calculated for purposes of recovery of common transport costs in paragraph (c) of this section.

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