Who defeated Kasparov?

Who defeated Kasparov?

On May 11, 1997, chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov resigns after 19 moves in a game against Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer developed by scientists at IBM. This was the sixth and final game of their match, which Kasparov lost two games to one, with three draws.

Who won in Garry Kasparov vs The world?

In the final game of a six-game match, world chess champion Garry Kasparov triumphs over Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing computer, and wins the match, 4-2.

What happened Veselin Topalov?

Topalov became FIDE World Chess Champion by winning the FIDE World Chess Championship 2005. He lost his title in the World Chess Championship 2006 against Vladimir Kramnik. Topalov is married and has two daughters.

Is Kasparov the best chess player?

#1 Garry Kasparov GM Garry Kasparov is the 13th world champion and held the title from 1985 to 2000. He first reached the number-one ranking in 1984 and with a few minor exceptions remained the number-one player in the world until 2006. Kasparov dominated the chess world for over 20 years.

Who is better Fischer or Kasparov?

Just about everyone can agree that Kasparov and the real Fischer are the 2 greatest chess players of all-time, but there is no consensus on who is better. If you’re judging strictly by accomplishments, then Kasparov is better because he held the title for 15 years and took part in 8 World Championship matches.

Is Topalov retired?

TOPALOV: professional chess will end within 50 years – interview.

Who is better Anand or Kramnik?

Viswanathan Anand (born 11 December 1969) and Vladimir Kramnik (born 25 June 1975) have played 93 classical chess games, of which Kramnik won eleven, Anand won eleven, and 71 games were drawn. In rapid format Anand has 12 wins, Kramnik has 4 wins with 39 draws.

Who is better Anand or Kasparov?

Including rapid/exhibition games: Garry Kasparov beat Viswanathan Anand 26 to 8, with 43 draws. Arctor wrote: Classical games: Garry Kasparov beat Viswanathan Anand 16 to 6, with 32 draws. Including rapid/exhibition games: Garry Kasparov beat Viswanathan Anand 26 to 8, with 43 draws.

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