How did the protection policy affect aboriginals?

How did the protection policy affect aboriginals?

The Act had a disastrous impact on Aboriginal families and culture. The 1997 Bringing Them Home Report found that children removed from their families were disadvantaged in the following ways: They were more likely to come to the attention of the police as they grew into adolescence.

What happened to the aboriginal land when the British came?

Aboriginal peoples lived in Australia for thousands of years before Europeans arrived. They suffered greatly as a result of the arrival of the British in Australia. Settlers often killed Aborigines who trespassed onto ‘their’ land. Many Aborigines moved to the towns to try and make a living.

What was the first Aboriginal massacre?

Myall Creek massacre
1838. Myall Creek massacre – 10 June: 28 people killed at Myall Creek near Bingara, New South Wales. This was the first Aboriginal massacre for which white European and black African settlers were successfully prosecuted.

What was the colonial project?

The colonial project is about ensuring that the Aboriginal relationships to all things Indigenous are inevitably extinguished, or reach a point where the Indigenous are absorbed into the ideological abyss of ‘progress’.

What was the purpose of the protection policy in Australia?

In the name of ‘protection’, Indigenous Australians were made wards of the state and subjected to policies that gave government the power to determine where Indigenous people could live, who they could marry, and where they could work.

Why was the Aboriginal Protection policy introduced?

Protectors were appointed, mostly by executive order, in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia at about this time; they were supposed to protect Aborigines from abuses and to provide the remnant populations around towns with some rations, blankets and medicine.

What was the protection board?

The Aborigines Protection Board was established to manage reserves and the welfare of the estimated 9000 Aboriginal people living in New South Wales in the 1880s. It was part of the Department of Police and was chaired by the Commissioner of Police. It met weekly in Phillip Street in Sydney.

Was Australia settled or invaded?

In respect to the Aboriginal community, [“invasion”] is something that is very important and needs to be used. Australia was not settled by the common law but by the rules and disciplines of war.

Who killed the first Aboriginal?

There’s only one reason that the Native Police were there — to kill Aboriginal people and to facilitate the theft of land. Historians estimate that Queensland’s Native Mounted Police was responsible for the deaths of between 24,000 and 41,000 Aboriginal people.

What are 3 reasons for colonization?

Historians generally recognize three motives for European exploration and colonization in the New World: God, gold, and glory.

What is the difference between colonists and immigrants?

As nouns the difference between immigrant and colonist is that immigrant is immigrant while colonist is a person who is a founder of a colony.

What happened to the Aborigines Protection Act 1909?

The Aborigines Protection Act 1909 was repealed in 1969 by the Aborigines Act 1969; however the legacy of the legislation affected many Aboriginal families and members of the Stolen Generations in New South Wales. ^ NSW Government (20 December 1909). “Aborigines Protection Act 1909” (PDF).

What is the Aborigines Protection Board?

The 1915 amendments to the Aborigines Protection Act 1909 gave the New South Wales (NSW) Aborigines Protection Board the power to remove any Indigenous child at any time and for any reason.

What did the Aborigines Act do?

It was the first piece of legislation that dealt specifically with Aboriginal people in New South Wales. It applied to all Aboriginal people but contained particular provisions for children, including the right of the Protection Board to remove youths from Aboriginal Reserves and place them into service.

Who has the power to remove an Aboriginal child from family?

In 1915 amendments to the Aborigines Protection Act 1909 gave the New South Wales Aborigines Protection Board the power to remove any Aboriginal child from their family at any time and for any reason.

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