What group is thiophanate methyl?

What group is thiophanate methyl?

group I fungicide
Thiophanate-methyl (TM) It is classified as group I fungicide. Since it targets a broad spectrum of diseases and plants, it has been used widely since 1973. It is recommended to alternate fungicides or tank mix this fungicide with other types of fungicides with different modes of action.

Is thiophanate methyl poisonous?

Thiophanate methyl is a fungicide that was used widely to control fungal diseases on crops. It has a low aqueous solubility, low volatility and tends not to be persistent in soil or water systems. It has a low mammalian toxicity, however it is an irritant, a skin sensitiser and may also be mutagen.

Is thiophanate methyl safe?

Thiophanate-methyl presents a low acute toxicity profile when administered via the oral or dermal routes; however, it was shown to be harmful if inhaled (harmonised classification according to Regulation (EC) no 1272/20083. OJ L 353, 31.12. 2008, p. 1–1355.

Is thiophanate methyl systemic?

Thiophanate-methyl is a systemic fungicide, registered for use on greenhouse non-food crops, terrestrial food crops, mushrooms, outdoor ornamentals, turf, and seed treatment for food and feed (sweet corn, dry beans, and potato seed pieces).

What fungicides contain thiophanate methyl?

Thiophanate-Methyl Fungicides

  • OHP 6672 50 WP Systemic Turf & Ornamental Fungicide.
  • T-Methyl SPC 50 WSB Systemic Fungicide.
  • 3336 DG Lite Systemic Fungicide, Nufarm.
  • 3336 F Systemic Fungicide, Nufarm.
  • Spectro 90 WDG Fungicide, Nufarm.
  • OHP 6672 4.5 F Fungicide.

What fungicide contains thiophanate methyl?

T-Methyl SPC 50 WSB Fungicide contains thiophanate-methyl, the active ingredient used in Cleary 3336™.

How do you use thiophanate methyl?

The buffering of tank water to pH 6-7 prior to the addition of THIOPHANATE METHYL 4.5F AG is recommended. Slowly pour required product into partially filled spray tank (1/2 total volume), then finish filling tank with water, all the while maintaining agitation. Use sufficient water to ensure full coverage of foliage.

What are the properties of thiophanate methanate?

THIOPHANATE-METHYL is incompatible with strong acids and bases, and with strong reducing agents such as hydrides. Produces flammable gaseous hydrogen with active metals or nitrides. Incompatible with strong oxidizing acids, peroxides. Incompatible with alkaline material.

What is thiophanate-methyl?

Methyl thiophanate is a colorless crystals, prisms or light brown powder. Thiophanate-Methyl is a systematic fungicide of the thiophanate class. Thiophanate-Methyl is commonly used in agriculture to protect against powdery mildew, rot and other fungal diseases in fruits, ve getables and other crops. Systemic fungicide.

Is thiophanate methyl a systemic fungicide?

Systemic fungicide. Thiophanate methyl is a fungicide/wound protectant used to control plant diseases in stone fruit, pome fruit, tropical and subtropical fruit crops, grapes and fruiting vegetables.

What is thiophanate methyl photolysis?

Thiophanate methyl underwent photolysis in aqueous solution to carbendazim (DT 50 <1 day) when illuminated with UV light (254 nm) or natural sunlight. A similar photolytic transformation occurred on moist cotton foliage, although no photolysis occurred when thiophanate methyl was exposed as a dry film to light (Buchenauer et al., 1973).

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