What does Congiuntivo mean in Italian?

What does Congiuntivo mean in Italian?

The Congiuntivo (subjunctive) is an Italian mood mainly used in subordinate clauses to express doubt, uncertainty or personal feelings.

How do you use Nonostante in Italian?


  1. nonostante fosse notte fonda in spite of the fact that it was late at night.
  2. nonostante piovesse even though or in spite of the fact that it was raining.
  3. ha voluto alzarsi nonostante fosse ancora malato he wanted to get up even though he was still ill.

How do you conjugate Congiuntivo in Italian?

In Italian the Congiuntivo Presente (subjunctive tense) is a currently used form. Rather than stating facts, it expresses doubt, possibility, uncertainty, or personal feelings….Congiuntivo Presente – Conjunctions.


Does anche se take the Congiuntivo?

Anche se can actually also be used with the congiuntivo in some cases, but the meaning changes a little! When the verb in the “concessive clause” is in the subjunctive mood, the verb in the main sentence takes the conditional (condizionale), as it only expresses a possibility too.

How do you do Congiuntivo Passato?

The congiuntivo passato is a compound tense formed with the congiuntivo presente of the auxiliary verb avere (to have) or essere (to be) and the past participle of the acting verb. For example: Sono contento che tu sia venuto alla mia festa!

Does Siccome take subjunctive?

Unlike many other conjunctions, siccome does not take the subjunctive, but rather the indicative. This is because, like perché, it indicates certainty. What’s more, because it is used to introduce a causal phrase (proposizione causale), it mustn’t be followed by che (that).

Does Nonostante take subjunctive?

There are many words that need the subjunctive. Nonostante is one of those. As we already mentioned, we use nonostante to talk about something hypothetical. So, since we use the subjunctive to talk about hypotheses, this word triggers the use of the subjunctive.

How do you use condizionale?

Condizionale Presente Forming conditionals is easy: just take any verb, drop the final -e in its infinitive form, and add an appropriate ending—endings are the same for all three conjugation groups of verbs. The only spelling change occurs with -are verbs, which change the a of the infinitive ending to e.

How do you use Congiuntivo?

This phrase expresses an opinion, therefore we have to use the Congiuntivo. There’s also that key phrase at the beginning, “penso che,” that also helps us to know that our verb has to get conjugated in the Congiuntivo….-ARE Congiuntivo Presente verb endings:

  1. io – i.
  2. tu – i.
  3. lui/lei – i.
  4. noi – iamo.
  5. voi – iate.
  6. loro – ino.

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