Who is allowed to approve the return to service?

Who is allowed to approve the return to service?

(a) Except as provided in this section and §43.17, no person, other than the Administrator, may approve an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service after it has undergone maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration.

What do you need to get a type rating?

Have a U.S. military pilot certificate with multiengine jet privileges. Have logged 500 hours as second in command in the airplane in which you’re seeking the type rating. Earn 1,000 hours as second in command in at least two airplanes that require a type rating.

What is required to get a high performance endorsement?

A high performance endorsement is required to operate aircraft equipped with an engine rated at more than 200 horsepower. Pilots must receive ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in a high performance airplane and then receive a one-time endorsement in the student’s logbook.

What are the required items in a maintenance logbook entry?

Required maintenance record information

  • A description of, or reference to, acceptable data used to perform the work.
  • The date you finished the work.
  • Name of the person who performed the work, if other than the person who approved the work for return to service.

Are pilots required to keep a logbook?

In the United States, a pilot is required to log all flight time that is used to meet the minimum requirements for a certificate, rating, flight review, or instrument proficiency check, and for currency. This means that a pilot does not need to record every single one of his or her flights.

How difficult is type rating?

Getting the type rating for the A320 is no more difficult than any other aircraft in the same class and in some cases, you will find it to be easier than a comparable Boeing aircraft.

Is type rating necessary?

Anyone who wishes to become a pilot needs to know about type rating. This gets you to a point where you can fly single engine aircraft below a certain weight without obtaining type rating. However, in order to fly on a professional basis, a type rating is necessary.

What pilot license do I need to make money?

A commercial license is usually the minimum requirement for any paying job, and such jobs often go to the pilots with the most experience.

Is 200hp high performance?

The definition of high performance is now “an airplane with an engine of more than 200 horsepower.” This ruled out numerous aircraft, including many Mooneys (200 hp), Piper Seminoles (180 hp each engine) and most of the Piper Senecas (200 hp per engine).

Does a high performance endorsement count as a BFR?

AOPA says “A CFI checkride, IPC, complex, high-altitude, tailwheel, or other endorsements do not count as a flight review, but they can occur at the same time” (without giving a reference). …

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