What is Laserfiche workflow?

What is Laserfiche workflow?

Laserfiche Workflow is powerful business process automation software that classifies, organizes, routes and archives documents. View a document’s business process history and instructions for next steps. Improve Decision-Making with Real-Time Information.

How do I access Laserfiche workflow?

Workflows provide no code automation of complex business tasks in Laserfiche using sequences of activities (pre-built, configurable automation elements) in a flow diagram format. To access workflows, select Process Automation from the app picker, and then click Workflows.

What is laserfiche used for?

Laserfiche is an enterprise content management (ECM) or digital content management software that takes all your manual processes and streamlines them into an elegant digital workflow.

What is the latest version of Laserfiche?

Current Release Versions of Laserfiche Products And Associated Service Pack or Hotfix Releases.

Product Release Information Product Download
Laserfiche 11 (Released March 04, 2021) Audit Trail 11 Directory Server 11 Forms 11 Web Client 11 1014273 Release Information for Laserfiche 11 Products Download Laserfiche 11

What is a Laserfiche form?

Laserfiche Forms is a web application that allows organizations to collect, process, and route information. Users can create web forms to collect or work with information, as well as business processes to define how that information is routed, interacted with, and managed.

What are the six steps involved in the workflow approvals process?

Follow the below steps to begin building workflows:

  • Define and diagram the business process you want to automate.
  • Get familiar with the Workflow Software.
  • Expand on the basics.
  • Run the workflow.
  • Track running workflows.
  • Keep learning.

Does laserfiche have an API?

The Laserfiche API is a RESTful application programming interface (API) for Laserfiche Cloud. An API is a set of functions that facilitate communication between two applications. For example, in the case of the Laserfiche API, these functions help other applications interact with the Laserfiche Cloud repository.

How do I upload documents to Laserfiche?

Open Laserfiche and navigate to the folder into which you want to import a file….Importing with the Import Command

  1. Under Select one or more files to upload, click Upload.
  2. Select one or more files to import and click Open.
  3. Once you have added all the files you want to import and they have finished uploading, click OK.

How do I create a Laserfiche workflow?

You must have Workflow Designer actually installed on your computer or on the computer where you want to design the workflow. It is a best practice to create a user account for Laserfiche Workflow in the Administration Console. This user will be the one performing all of the automated tasks when the workflows actually run.

What is this Laserfiche implementation guide for?

This guide contains implementation advice from other Laserfiche users. This guide helps you design automated business processes and report on them. This guide will help you set up a records management plan in Laserfiche.

What has the building Laserfiche workflows certification course taught you?

The Building Laserfiche Workflows Certification course taught me how to approach planning, diagramming and designing my workflows. The many white papers and training videos available on the Learn and Support Site provide specific details on various aspects of the workflow design process. Your VAR is also an excellent resource.

What is the Laserfiche Beginner’s Guide?

This beginner’s guide will help you learn the basics to start using Laserfiche Forms. This guide will help you get the most out of using the Laserfiche app. This guide contains implementation advice from other Laserfiche users.

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