Which jobs are future proof?

Which jobs are future proof?

Or work that largely depends on human skills and therefore can not be replaced by a computer.

  • The eight most future-proof jobs are:
  • Cybersecurity expert.
  • Data scientist.
  • Healthcare professionals.
  • Marketing, communication and design.
  • Delivery / Logistics management.
  • Human resources.
  • Gig-worker.

How social media changed personal relationships in 2030?

In the year of 2030, experts predict that “social media in general, and Instagram specifically, [would] make people feel worse about themselves” in the future (Zamon, 2017). This shows that your mental health can affect the way you interact with an individual based on personal relationships.

What will be the future of social media?

By 2020, more and more practical applications of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) will be changing the game of social media networks. Snapchat Geofilters is one good example where you can see and view location-specific videos.

What will happen to the world in 2050?

By 2050, the global population is projected to rise to 9.7 billion, which is more than two billion more people to feed than today. When crops fail and starvation threatens, people are forced to fight or flee. So will the decline of mountain ice, which is a source of meltwater for a quarter of the world’s population.

What can we expect in 2030?

The world population is expected to reach 8.5 billion people by 2030. India will overtake China as the most populated country on Earth. Nigeria will overtake the US as the third most populous country in the world. The fastest-growing demographic will be the elderly: 65+ people will hit one billion by 2030.

What is a good job for the future?

There are also a few jobs in other fields, such as finance and education, that tick all the boxes.

  • Software Developer.
  • Medical and Health Services Manager.
  • Postsecondary Teacher.
  • Nurse Practitioner.
  • Financial Manager.
  • Management Analyst.
  • Physical Therapist.
  • Construction Manager.

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