How does Philip Sidney defend the writing of poetry?

How does Philip Sidney defend the writing of poetry?

Sidney used his defense to claim that poetry has more of a place in society than other sciences and writing styles. This essay has stood the test of time because while he makes valid arguments in a methodical and well-organized way, he also infuses the piece with humor that makes it an easy read.

What is the Sir Philip Sidney views about poetry?

To, Sidney, poetry is an art of imitation for specific purpose, it is imitated to teach and delight. According to him, poetry is simply a superior means of communication and its value depends on what is communicated. So, even history when it is described in a lively and passionate expression becomes poetic.

Which classical Greek writer’s objections to poetry does Sidney address in an apology for poetry?

It is generally believed that he was at least partly motivated by Stephen Gosson, a former playwright who dedicated his attack on the English stage, The School of Abuse, to Sidney in 1579, but Sidney primarily addresses more general objections to poetry, such as those of Plato.

What was Aristotle’s major concern poetics?

The Poetics is primarily concerned with drama, and the analysis of tragedy constitutes the core of the discussion. Although the text is universally acknowledged in the Western critical tradition, “almost every detail about [t]his seminal work has aroused divergent opinions”.

How does Sidney prove that poetry is superior to history and philosophy?

In Sidney’s view, poetry is superior to philosophy and history because of its ability to present vivid, compelling examples to the reader not simply of what has been or will be, but what should be. The philosopher can only articulate an abstract description of an ethical principle.

How does Sidney differ from Aristotle in his conception of poetry?

He subscribes to the Aristotelian view that poetry highlights universal truths that are ennobling. For his part, Sidney rejects such a supernatural emphasis on poetic endeavors. He maintains that poetry is good because it is rational, not because it is divinely inspired.

How would you elaborate Sidney concept of poetry?

Poetry, according to Sidney, is an art of imitation, a representing, counterfeiting, or figuring forth; to speak metaphorically, a speaking picture, with this end,—to teach and delight. …

What are the four objection raised against poetry in an apology for poetry?

1.8 FOUR CHIEF OBJECTIONS TO POETRY First—poetry is useless—a waste of time, second—poetry is deceptive the mother of all lies, third—poetry is immoral—the nurse of abuse, fourth—Plato would have none of it and so banished poets from his republic.

Why did Aristotle write Poetics?

The sentence raises two questions we will have to come back to—what does it mean for a composition to turn out well (kalôs) and what other topics belong to poetics—but at present it is clear that Aristotle’s purpose is to expound the fundamental principles of the poetic art as exempli ed in its kinds.

What is Aristotle saying in Poetics?

“All human happiness or misery takes the form of action; the end for which we live is a certain kind of action.” “Character is that which reveals moral purpose, showing what kind of things a man chooses or avoids.” “The poet should even act his story with the very gestures of his personages.

Why does Sidney refrain from directly countering gosson?

This was because Sidney recognized that-although he disagreed with Gosson’s apparent position against all poetry and the simplicity and crudity of Gosson’s work-his disagreement with Gosson was not a substantial one; he resorted to parody to mask the similarity of his own argument in his “Defense.” Since the comparison …

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