What does pedantic mean?

What does pedantic mean?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

Is pedantic a positive word?

Pedantic means “like a pedant,” someone who’s too concerned with literal accuracy or formality. It’s a negative term that implies someone is showing off book learning or trivia, especially in a tiresome way.

What does off the wall mean in slang?

Definition of off-the-wall : highly unusual : bizarre an off-the-wall sense of humor.

What is a pedantic method?

Didactic can have a neutral meaning of “designed or intended to teach people something,” but often didactic is used when the lesson being taught is annoying or unwanted—such as an attempt to school people on what’s proper or moral. ‘Pedantic’ describes a particular kind of annoying person.

What is pedantic philosophy?

When someone is too concerned with literal accuracy or formality, that person can be referred to as pedantic. Pedantic people show off their knowledge by correcting small errors that do not matter in the grand scheme of things. Discover some pedantic examples from everyday life and literature.

What does let’s talk turkey mean?

speak frankly
Now, let’s talk turkey. The phrase “talk turkey” usually means “speak frankly,” though this time of year it’s more likely to be a discussion of how to cook the bird. In other words, the white man was intent on keeping the good bird. The Native American supposedly replied, “You’re not talking turkey to me.”

Where did the phrase off the wall come from?

The origin of this expression comes from sports like handball, racquetball or squash, in which the ball is hit against a wall. When the ball comes ‘off the wall’, the player is uncertain where it will go. Therefore, an ‘off the wall’ idea is a rather unusual idea, and no one is entirely sure where it will lead.

What is pedantic research?

Pedantic science tends to arise out of academic mental jousting, i.e. “My theory is bigger and better than yours!”. The arguments concern the tiniest details – the dots on a pin-head. The upshot is that people know more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Is being pedantic a disorder?

Medical conditions Pedantry can also be an indication of specific developmental disorders. In particular, people with Asperger syndrome often have behaviour characterized by pedantic speech.

What is pedantic personality type?

A pedant is a person who is a formalist or precisionist in teaching or scholarship. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder is also in part characterized by a form of pedantry that is overly concerned with the correct following of rules, procedures and practices.

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