Is Eagle Ford a shale?

Is Eagle Ford a shale?

The Eagle Ford is the most active shale play in the world with over 100 rigs running. Operators are indicating the play will be developed for decades to come. If the development is new to you, visit our Eagle Ford Shale Drilling and Rig Count articles to keep up oil & gas activity across South Texas.

How long will Eagle Ford Shale last?

Eagle Ford shale well life expectancy could be as long as thirty years, according to a recent report from EOG Resources. According to that report, 40% of an Eagle Ford shale well’s production will come in the first five years, followed by a long decline curve lasting perhaps as many as thirty years.

Where is the Eagle Ford Shale?

The Eagle Ford Shale is a hydrocarbon-producing geological formation extending over 26 counties. It stretches from the Mexican border between Laredo and Eagle Pass up through counties east of Temple and Waco.

What is Eagle Ford Co?

Eagle Ford Oil & Gas Corp acquires, explores, and develops oil and natural gas. The Company primarily holds operations in the Gulf Coast Region.

Why is it called Eagle Ford Shale?

The Eagle Ford Shale is located in South Texas producing from various depths between 4,000 and 12,000 feet. It derives its name from the town of Eagle Ford TX where the shale outcrops at the surface in clay form. Often the Eagle Ford is mistakenly spelled as “Eagleford”.

When did Eagle Ford Shale start?

The Eagle Ford Shale is believed to have been formed in the late Cretaceous period and is estimated to be 89 to 95 million years old.

How many drilling rigs are in the Eagle Ford Shale?

Eagle Ford Oil & Gas Rigs A total of 82 rigs are drilling horizontal wells, one is drilling directional and one is vertical. Karnes County leads activity in the region with 16 rigs in production. See the full list below in the Eagle Ford Shale Drilling by County below.

How many drilling rigs are in the Permian Basin?

The Permian, the largest US producing basin at 4.78 million b/d of oil and a 13.4 Bcf/d of gas, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics, added 12 rigs for a total of 284, reaching its highest count since mid-April 2020. Also growing was the SCOOP-STACK in Oklahoma, which climbed three to 41 rigs.

Who discovered the Eagle Ford Shale?

The Eagle Ford Shale is named after the town of Eagle Ford located about six miles west of Dallas. The oil and gas producing site was first discovered by Petrohawk— an independent oil and natural gas company— in 2008.

What Basin is the Eagle Ford Shale in?

The Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Turonian) Eagle Ford Shale, currently one of the most active gas-shale plays in the world, extends ~400 mi from the Maverick Basin and adjacent western San Marcos Arch in South and Central Texas to the East Texas Basin (Fig. 1).

Who owns Eagle Ford?

SilverBow Resources Inc., Houston, has agreed to acquire assets in the Eagle Ford shale in South Texas from an undisclosed seller, expanding the company’s gas portfolio in the Western Eagle Ford and adding oil acreage in three new counties.

What city in Texas has the most oil?

Midland. Located in Midland County, Midland has a population of 146,038 and sits on the Permian Basin. 15 The city’s population and average salaries rose since gains were made from oil drilling. The new riches of Midland prompted population swells that were reportedly the highest in the country in 2018.

Are there gas jobs in the Eagle Ford Shale right now?

All this movement means an abundance of gas jobs are available in the Eagle Ford Shale right now. This shale gas play is named after Eagle Ford, Texas, a town six miles west of Dallas.

Where is the Eagle Ford Shale located in Texas?

The Eagle Ford Shale has a high carbonite percentage in south Texas, with more shale in the northwestern portion of the formation.

What is the Eagle Ford Formation known for?

The Eagle Ford formation is noted for producing variable amounts of gas and oil, with the most active area located above the Edwards Reef Trend.

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