What is Ford Model 40?

What is Ford Model 40?

This car’s long, low proportions were unlike anything Ford Motor Company had ever built. The Speedster weighs about 2,100 pounds. Its engine is now a 100-brake horsepower Mercury flathead V-8. This Model 40 was one of Edsel Ford’s personal vehicles.

How fast was a 1934 Ford V8?

65 miles per hour
How Fast was the 1934 Ford V8? 1934 Ford featured the three-speed manual transmission V8 engine in all its models. The car had a top speed of 65 miles per hour (104 kilometers per hour). 1934 Ford was one of the fastest cars because earlier V8 engines were only used in sports cars or expensive luxury cars.

How fast could a 1934 Ford V8 go?

The car featured three-speed manual transmission with a V8 engine, with a top speed of 65 miles per hour. The car was 147 inches long, while the smaller versions of the Ford V8 were few inches shorter….Overview.

Engine V8
Top speed 65 mph
Average weight 827 Kg
Length 147-inches

How much did a Ford V8 cost in 1934?

Ford’s flathead V8 produced 85 horsepower from 221 cu in. of displacement. This model was equipped with a 3-speed transmission and a single downdraft carburetor, and it weighed a feather-light 2,461 pounds. It sold for $575 when new in 1934 — or almost $11,000 today when adjusted for inflation.

How fast is 1934 V8?

How big is a Ford Model 40 special speedster?

The Model 40 Special Speedster was unlike anything Ford Motor Company had built up to that time. At 113 inches, the Speedster’s wheelbase is approximately the same as the standard 112-inch wheelbase of a 1934 Ford roadster. Yet, it appears longer and lower.

What is the wheelbase of a 1934 Ford speedster?

At 113 inches, the Speedster’s wheelbase is approximately the same as the standard 112-inch wheelbase of a 1934 Ford roadster. Yet, it appears longer and lower. This illusion was achieved by modifying and lowering the car’s chassis, positioning the cockpit toward the rear of the car and extending the tail section.

Where is Edsel Ford’s Model 40 special speedster?

Edsel Ford’s restored 1934 Model 40 Special Speedster was unveiled today by Lincoln and the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House at The Lodge, Pebble Beach in Monterey County, Calif. It will appear again on Sunday August 21, at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.

What kind of engine does a speedster have?

The 2,100-pound Speedster was powered by a stock 75-bhp, Ford Model 40 flathead, with straight exhausts that were enclosed by the bodywork with only the tips protruding.

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