What are the important concerns for safe and responsible use of the Internet?

What are the important concerns for safe and responsible use of the Internet?

The policy should address access to inappropriate material, the safety and security of students when using electronic communications, illegal and inappropriate activities, and the protection of student personal information.

What should be in a responsible use policy?

By contrast, Responsible Use Policies (RUPs) typically outline how students (and employees) should act. These policies typically promote positive behaviors, expectations, and guidelines. RUPs don’t diminish student and employee expectations; they define ownership.

How can we be safe and responsible online?

Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online

  1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited.
  2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On.
  3. Practice Safe Browsing.
  4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure.
  5. Be Careful What You Download.
  6. Choose Strong Passwords.
  7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites.
  8. Be Careful What You Post.

Why do we need to be responsible in using technology?

Technology is enabling us to be more responsive to change as it happens, providing us with a wealth of timely data and insight into mankind’s many interactions with the natural world and their effects. And technology is also demanding of us that we be more responsible in our management of this planet and its resources.

What are the responsible use of media and information?

One of the most effective use of media is on communication. Media plays a significant role in sharing information across the globe. Media keeps people aware and updated on important events and happenings. But in other hand, media also has it’s advantages and disadvantages.

What is responsible use?

Responsible use of technology means engaging with technology safely, respectfully, and ethically (understanding right from wrong).

How can I be responsible on the Internet Online?

Key messages for safe and responsible digital citizenship

  1. Be respectful – and expect respect.
  2. Protect your reputation.
  3. Protect your privacy.
  4. Watch your tone.
  5. Be sceptical.

How can we responsible in using media and information?

avoid making individual posts visible to ‘friends of friends’ and ‘public’ don’t share any personal details. remember, everyone may see which pages you like, so take care, and if in doubt – unlike. functionality and privacy settings often change, so check them regularly.

How can you be a responsible user of technology and the Internet?

5 tips for responsible use of technology

  1. 1 – Set boundaries for device use and demand that family time is respected.
  2. 2 – Prevent your children to go to sleep to electronic devices.
  3. 3 – Encourage cultural, sports or other outdoor activities.
  4. 4 – Respect their privacy, but teach them to protect it.
  5. 5 – Lead by example.

What are some rules to remember using technology?

10 Classroom Rules for Using Technology

  • Only visit approved Internet sites.
  • Never give out your personal information.
  • Tell your teacher if you see something uncomfortable or inappropriate.
  • Never download anything without teacher permission.
  • Leave your workspace as you found it.
  • Print only if you have permission.

How can you be responsible for using technology and social media?

Set limits and take breaks. For example, no posting during homework time, shut phone off or keep in another room during sleeping hours, make “technology free” rules with peers and family members. Don’t share your passwords with friends. Learn about privacy settings and review them often.

How can you be a responsible user of media and information?

Easy Tips for Using Social Media Responsibly

  1. Follow Online Safety and Privacy Measures.
  2. Be in Control of Your Feed.
  3. Be Responsible in Sharing, Posting, and Reposting Images or Videos.
  4. Share News Responsibly.
  5. Use Your Profile to Highlight Your Skills and Expertise.

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