What is reversibility and irreversibility in thermodynamics?

What is reversibility and irreversibility in thermodynamics?

Summary. A reversible process is one in which both the system and its environment can return to exactly the states they were in by following the reverse path. An irreversible process is one in which the system and its environment cannot return together to exactly the states that they were in.

What is availability and irreversibility?

The Available Energy (AE) is also known as exergy and Unavailable Energy (UAE) as energy. The energy which cannot be utilised for doing useful work is called unavailable energy. Irreversibility is equivalent to energy destroyed, hence also known as energy destruction consider the example given below.

What is a irreversibility in thermodynamics?

Thermodynamic irreversibility-refers to physical process that will be thermodynamically irreversible when the total entropy that is the sum of system and its reservoir becomes positive.

What is thermodynamic availability?

Availability is about work potential or quality of the energy. When thermal energy is used to do work entire heat energy cannot be converted to useful work as per the second law of thermodynamics. The part that can be converted to useful work is referred to as the Available energy or Availability or Energy.

What is difference between reversible and irreversible process?

A reversible process is a change that can be retraced in a reverse (opposite) direction. An irreversible process is a change that cannot be retraced in a reverse (opposite) direction.

What is reversible and irreversible?

Reversible Changes – This is when materials can be changed back to how they were before the reaction took place. E.g. When ice melts to form water. It could be frozen back to ice again. 2. Irreversible Changes – This is when materials cannot be changed back to how they were before.

What is available energy in thermodynamics?

ANSWER: Maximum energy utilized to produce maximum work from a certain heat supplied to a cyclic heat engine.

What is the formula for irreversibility?

The term irreversibility I(=T0σ) I ( = T 0 σ ) accounts for the destruction of availability due to irreversible processes within the control mass.

What are the two main reasons of the irreversibility of a thermodynamic process?


  • Lack of thermodynamic equilibrium during the process.
  • Involvement of dissipative effect during the process.

What are the causes of irreversibility in thermodynamics?

Four of the most common causes of irreversibility are friction, unrestrained expansion of a fluid, heat transfer through a finite temperature difference, and mixing of two different substances. These factors are present in real,irreversible processes and prevent these processes from being reversible.

What causes irreversibility?

An irreversible process is a process that cannot return both the system and the surroundings to their original conditions. Four of the most common causes of irreversibility are friction, unrestrained expansion of a fluid, heat transfer through a finite temperature difference, and mixing of two different substances.

What is the main cause of irreversibility?

mechanical and fluid friction.

What is the availability of thermal energy?

Availability is about work potential or quality of the energy. When thermal energy is used to do work entire heat energy cannot be converted to useful work as per the second law of thermodynamics. The part that can be converted to useful work is referred to as the Available energy or Availability or Energy.

What is the relationship between entropy and reversible and irreversible processes?

In a reversible process the change in the entropy of a system equals the change in the entropy of the universe. However in the case of an irreversible process the reduction in the entropy of a system is less than the increase of entropy of the heat receiving system.

What is meant by availability of energy?

Availability or Energy is the maximum portion of energy that can be converted into work by ideal process that reduces the system to dead state. Any system that has temperature T and pressure P can do useful work till the temperature and pressure are reduced to T 0 and P 0.

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