How big do 5 banded barbs get?

How big do 5 banded barbs get?


Synonyms Barbus pentazona, Barbus pentazona pentazona, Capoeta pentazona, Puntius pentazona
Sexual Dimorphism The fins of males are more brightly coloured. Females are fuller-bodied.
Maximum Size 5cm (2”)
Water Parameters Soft and slightly acidic is best long-term. pH: <7.5, dH: up to 12 degrees.

How many barb fish should I get?

Peaceful and easy to care for, they should be kept in schools of five or more. They look particularly attractive when kept with barbs having vertical stripes, such as the Tiger Barb. Continue to 2 of 7 below.

What is the smallest barb fish?

dwarf golden barb
Sometimes known as the golden barb or the dwarf golden barb, this is the smallest species in our countdown, growing to only 1½ inches (3.8 cm). As such, it is well-suited to 10-gallon (38-liter) or larger aquariums. This gregarious species should be kept in groups of at least five fish.

How do you breed a Pentazona barb?

If you want to breed Five Banded Barb, keep the levels of organic waste really low. The water should be soft, below 5 dH, and the pH-value should be kept in the 5.5-6.0 range. You can for instance use peat moss if your tap water is hard and alkaline. Decorate the aquarium with fine leafed plants.

Are 5 banded barbs aggressive?

The Five-Banded Barb is a very peaceful, small barb that is a very attractive species for the nano and planted community aquarium!

Which fish can live with Tiger barbs?

Provided there is considerable space, one of the best tankmates for the tiger barb is the clown loach; it will even school with the tiger barbs and act as they do. Alternatively, pair the tiger barb with fast-moving tankmates such as danios, platys, loaches, or catfish.

What fish do tiger barbs get along with?

What barb fish are peaceful?

While some species can be boisterous, there are a number of peaceful species like cherry barbs, gold, checkerboard and pentazona barbs that make great community tank inhabitants. Males are typically smaller and more colorful, while females tend to be larger and heavier bodied.

How many barbs do I need?

Housing Requirements for Barbs Barbs do best in schools of at least 6 to 10 fish and need plenty of swimming space. They will be less stressed and show their best colors in a well decorated aquarium.

How many barbs should be kept together?

Tiger Barb Tank Mates As a general rule, you should avoid slow-moving fish. They will only become a target. You must also keep Tiger Barbs in a group of at least six. If you have a larger tank, you can keep as many as 12 together.

How long do cherry barbs live?

The average life span is four years, with a maximum around seven years. The tank should have abundant plant material (about two-thirds to three-quarters of the tank), but the fish also needs open space to swim.

Can I keep 2 tiger barbs?

When kept singly or in groups of two to three, tiger barbs will terrorize almost any fish that is unfortunate enough to reside in the same tank. Regardless of the numbers kept, it is never advisable to keep tigers in the same tank with docile, slow-moving, or long or flowing-finned fish such as the angelfish or bettas.

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