What are the six basic filing methods?

What are the six basic filing methods?

Filing Methods: Alphabetical, Numerical, geographical, chronological and subject wise

  • Bases of classification of files.
  • Alphabetical classification.
  • Advantages.
  • Disadvantages.
  • Advantages.
  • Disadvantages.
  • Advantages.
  • Disadvantages.

What is filing explain the types of filing?

The traditional filing is mostly used in government organization to keep the records. There are different types of traditional filing system. They are: Wrapped up or Bundle Filing, Wire or spike filing, Cardboard filing, Pigeon hole filing and Box filing.

How many types of filing are there?

There are 5 methods of filing: Filing by Subject/Category. Filing in Alphabetical order. Filing by Numbers/Numerical order.

What is the most common type of filing system?

Alphabetic systems
Alphabetic systems are the most natural and common method of arranging files. However, even the simplest alphabetic system requires establishing, filing standards, including written filing procedures, cross-reference methods, and practices for filing duplicate name changes, etc.

What is the best filing method?

vertical method
The vertical method of filing is considered to be the best because it has a “large number of advantages.

What are the types of modern filing?

Explain the two system of modern filing system.

  • Modern Filing System.
  • Horizontal Filing System: Horizontal Filing system is a modern type of filing.
  • Flat file: A flat file is made of cardboard or thick paper.
  • Arch Lever File:
  • Advantage:
  • Disadvantage:
  • Vertical System of Filling:
  • Advantages:

What are the four common types of files?

The four common types of files are document, worksheet, database and presentation files. Connectivity is the capability of microcomputer to share information with other computers.

What are the two main filing systems?

There are 2 main methods of filing, which are Loose Leaf method and secondly, the Collective method. Documents are filed individually in a normal file, holes are punched in the documents and then they are filed.

How do you file a document?

Effective File Management

  1. Avoid saving unnecessary documents.
  2. Follow a consistent method for naming your files and folders.
  3. Store related documents together, whatever their type.
  4. Separate ongoing work from completed work.
  5. Avoid overfilling folders.
  6. Organize documents by date.
  7. Make digital copies of paper documents.

How do you file paperwork?

  1. Getting Started.
  2. Step 1: Sort Your Paper.
  3. Step 2: Step Up A System.
  4. Step 3: Label Your Files.
  5. Step 4: Use A Filing Cabinet If You Have Lots Of Paperwork.
  6. Step 5: Store Permanent Files Securely.
  7. Step 6: Shred Often.
  8. Step 7: Use Your Filing System.

What are the different types of filing system?

There are many different kinds of file systems. Each one has different structure and logic, properties of speed, flexibility, security, size and more. Some file systems have been designed to be used for specific applications. For example, the ISO 9660 file system is designed specifically for optical discs.

What are the different types of filing cabinets?

The two most common forms of filing cabinets are vertical files and lateral files. A vertical file cabinet has drawers that extend from the short side (typically 15 inches) of the cabinet. A lateral file cabinet has drawers that extend from the long side (various lengths) of the cabinet.

What are the different types of Business Filing systems?

Types of filing : traditional and modern Types of filing system 1. Traditional system. 2. Modern filing system. Vertical filing: It is the most popular type of filing in modern offices. In this method, documents are kept on upright position in especially pre prepared folders or files. Suspension filing: It is an improved form of vertical filing. Lateral filing. Open shelf filing.

What are the features of a good filing system?

Simplicity. Simplicity is the first quality of a proper filing system.

  • Economy. A good filing system should be economical.
  • Compactness. A good filing system should be compact.
  • Flexibility. A good filing system should be flexible.
  • Safety. A good filing system should have safety.
  • Accessibility.
  • Cross reference.
  • Classification and indexing.
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