What is a VSD patch?

What is a VSD patch?

Ventricular septal defect (VSD) transcatheter repair is a type of heart procedure. It fixes a hole between the left and right ventricles of the heart, without making an incision in the chest wall.

What is Swiss cheese VSD?

For patients with multiple ventricular septal defects, usually in the muscular ventricular septum, the term Swiss cheese ventricular septal defect has been coined. The term refers to the Emmental cheese, a medium-hard cheese of Swiss origin that features characteristic holes.

What causes Swiss cheese VSD?

“Swiss Cheese” VSDs is a subtype of muscular VSDs and most serious form, which is the result of non-contraction of ventricular septum during embryonic development [7].

How long does a VSD repair last?

Overall, 96% of people with an unrepaired small defect live more than 25 years after diagnosis. Moderate: Survival rates for people with unrepaired moderate VSDs are a little bit lower, with about 86% of them surviving at least 25 years after diagnosis.

What is Supracristal VSD?

It is the portion of the septum that separates the tricuspid and pulmonary valves. Defects above this part of the septum are referred to as supracristal defects. The term is generally reserved for defects lying immediately under the pulmonary valve.

When is AVSD closed?

If a defect is going to close, it usually happens by age 2 . But some defects don’t close until age 4 . These children usually grow and develop normally. They also have no activity restrictions, and live normal, healthy lives.

How long does it take for AVSD to close?

Heart Surgery The surgeon can stitch the hole closed directly or, more commonly, will sew a patch of manmade surgical material over it. Eventually, the tissue of the heart heals over the patch or stitches. By 6 months after the surgery, tissue will completely cover the hole.

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