What is Azov?

What is Azov?

Azov initially formed as a volunteer militia on 5 May 2014 during the Ukrainian crisis. On 12 November 2014, Azov was incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine, and since then all members are contract soldiers serving in the National Guard of Ukraine.

What happened to the Azov Battalion?

On 11 November 2014 the Azov Battalion was officially incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine. As of late March 2015, despite a second ceasefire agreement ( Minsk II ), the Azov Battalion continued to prepare for war, with the group’s leader seeing the ceasefire as “appeasement”.

Is Azov in the Ukrainian National Guard?

On 12 November 2014, Azov was incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine, and since then all members are contract soldiers serving in the National Guard of Ukraine.

Who are the azovs fighting for?

But the overwhelming majority of Azov soldiers say they’re fighting for Ukraine’s sovereignty and to repel what they call a “Russian invasion” of their homeland.

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