How do you control a germander speedwell?

How do you control a germander speedwell?

PennState Extension explains that corn speedwell can be controlled via regular mowing, planting turfgrass and/or nitrogen fertilization. There are also herbicide products that are categorized as preemergent, meaning they can prevent corn speedwell from developing.

How do I get rid of corn speedwell in my lawn?

Management and control. Prevalence of corn speedwell can be reduced by increasing turf density through nitrogen fertilization, regular mowing, and the use of turfgrasses well-adapted to site conditions. This weed can be suppressed or controlled with various preemergence and postemergence herbicides.

What spray kills speedwell?

The herbicides tolerated by creeping speedwell include clopyralid, dicamba, picloram, MCPA and 2,4-D. The best way of controlling creeping speedwell is to apply a mecoprop/ioxynil mixture, which is available as Image.

Is creeping speedwell invasive?

Creeping speedwell is an invasive perennial weed. Creeping speedwell is a species of Veronica and is often referred to as Veronica repens because of its creeping growth habit. The plant develops thick underground rhizomes similar to the growth habit of strawberries.

Are Veronica plants invasive?

This perennial spreads by a creeping rootstock, but is not invasive. Veronica Royal Candles is the most disease-resistant perennial in its family. The distinctive characteristics of Veronica Royal Candles provide multiple choices for use in the garden.

What chemical kills speedwell in lawns?

Fluroxypyr has been proven to be the most effective chemical in controlling speedwell.

How do you control creeping Mallow?


  1. Mallows can be effectively spot sprayed with Weed Weapon Extra Strength, Weed Weapon Rapid Action or Weed Weapon Invade Gel.
  2. Or if small or creeping variants have established in lawns use LawnPro Turfclean Ultra, LawnPro Turfclean or All-in-1 to effectively control them.

Is speedwell a ground cover?

Featuring white and blue flowers, creeping speedwell or Veronica filiformis is a low-growing perennial if you’re looking for an easy-to-maintain ground cover option. Forming a dense mat on lawns, this low-growing plant remains evergreen and blooms from April to July.

How fast does creeping speedwell spread?

Few other ground covers are as adaptable and easy to grow as Tidal Pool Speedwell (Veronica). It’s a fast-spreading evergreen that grows up to 30″ wide in a single season. You won’t believe how quickly it takes off to make itself at home in your garden.

Is speedwell the same as Veronica?

Veronica, also called Speedwell, is a carefree and easy-to-grow perennial with long spikes of small petals in purple, blue, pink, or white. There is also a bushy ground cover variety (Veronica prostrata), which features dense clusters of flowers and grows to only about 10 inches tall.

Does speedwell bloom all summer?

Planting speedwell (Veronica officinalis) in the garden is a great way to enjoy long-lasting blooms throughout the summer season. These easy-care plants don’t require much upkeep once established, making them ideal for the busy gardener. Keep reading to learn more about growing speedwell flowers.

What does germander speedwell look like?

A low, creeping plant, germander speedwell spreads with thin stems that creep over the surface of the ground, forming distinct mats or patches amongst the grass or hedgerow. Its small leaves are triangular in shape and deeply toothed.

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