Do Catholics believe in divorce?

Do Catholics believe in divorce? The Catholic Church treats all consummated sacramental marriages as permanent during the life of the spouses, and therefore does not allow remarriage after a divorce if the other spouse still lives and the marriage has not been annulled. Is Catholic The biggest religion? The Catholic Church, often referred to as […]

How does recycling reduce deforestation?

How does recycling reduce deforestation? Logging is the biggest source of steady deforestation. Recycling paper decreases the need for logging. If the entire amount recycled last month was only paper, that would mean Dalton recycled enough paper to conserve 2,122 trees. This number of trees can absorb 101,856 pounds of carbon per year. What happens […]

What are the advantages of herbal medicine?

What are the advantages of herbal medicine? The consumption of herbal medicines is increasing steadily throughout the world as an alternative treatment for alleviating a number of health problems including heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even certain types of cancer. Does turmeric raise blood pressure? Early research in people metabolic syndrome shows that […]

Is medical school just memorization?

Is medical school just memorization? While there is a lot of memorization in medicine because you have to know a lot of details, you must be able to have understanding of physiologic processes, pathology, and pharmacologic effects to practice medicine well. Is getting into med school the hardest part? It’s not the hardest, but it’s […]

What is the difference between NB and PS?

What is the difference between NB and PS? NB is usually written before a piece of important information to make readers notice it. P.S. or PS can be used when you want to add extra information at the end of a letter or email. What does NB stand for in medical terms? NASH. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. […]

Can an employer call a reference without permission?

Can an employer call a reference without permission? Candidates should have given permission, generally, for reference checking to be conducted. Reference checkers should not reach out to anyone the candidate has expressly asked not be contacted. Reference checkers should not contact references from a candidate’s current employer without express permission. Can an employer ask about […]

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