Why Autocomplete is not working in Eclipse?

Why Autocomplete is not working in Eclipse?

It is necessary to edit System Preferencies/Keyboard/Shortcuts/Input Source and uncheck the “Selecting previous input source” or change the shortcut on something else. Eclipse should work after that even without restart.

How do I enable Content Assist in Eclipse?

To enable the Content Assist window to open automatically, go to the Content Assist Preferences page, accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Editor | Content Assist and mark the ‘Enable auto-activation’ checkbox.

How do I fix autocomplete in eclipse?

  1. Quit Eclipse.
  2. Go to workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core.
  3. Remove *.index and savedIndexNames.txt.
  4. Restart Eclipse and search Ctrl + T for the offending type. The indexes will be rebuilt.

How do I turn on predictive text in eclipse?

Go to the Eclipse Windows menu -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content assist and check your settings here….

  1. Eclipse > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist.
  2. Auto Activation > Auto activation triggers for Java.
  3. Enter all the characters you want to trigger autocomplete, such as the following:

How do I get import suggestions in eclipse?

Go to Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist and make sure Enable auto activation is checked. If that doesn’t fix anything, you can try to manually get it to show up by pressing CTRL + SPACE . You should also check Content Assist > Advanced and make sure that at the very least Java Proposals is checked.

What is Content Assist in Eclipse?

The Content Assist feature enables the selection and insertion of existing code elements to complete partially entered code. The Content Assist Preferences Preferences page is accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Editor | Content Assist Preferences .

How do I autocomplete variables in Eclipse?

it only works after you have created some variables. you type the first letter/letters and when you click ctrl + space you get a list of all the variables that start with that letter/letters. it’s an auto-complete tool…

How do I enable control click in Eclipse?

The solution for me was to configure the build path to include the project itself.

  1. Right click on open project.
  2. highlight build path.
  3. click on Configure build path…
  4. click on Source.
  5. Click Add Folder… button.
  6. Put a check mark next to your project.
  7. Click OK.

How do you ctrl click in Eclipse?

19 Answers

  1. Close the class you are working on.
  2. Press “Control+Shift+T”
  3. Search with class name.
  4. Open the class Now “Ctrl+Click” should work.

How do I turn off Content Assist in Eclipse?

The Content Assist preferences page allows you to configure your Content Assist preferences. The Content Assist Preferences Preferences page is accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Editor | Content Assist Preferences .

Why is my content assist not working in Eclipse?

If after invoking Content Assist you see an error message dialog that states: this is most likely due to something interrupting the proposal operation (e.g. garbage collection). Ignore it if it does not recur, increase Eclipse’s memory if it does (e.g via -Xmx384M command line argument). See bug 141457 for more details.

How to increase the timeout for content assist in Eclipse?

You can either wait until the indexer is done or increase the timeout by setting the ‘ org.eclipse.jdt.ui.codeAssistTimeout ‘ Java environment variable when starting Eclipse, e.g. I´ve runned onto the same, Content Assist not working under Eclipse 3.7.2.

How to enable auto-completion triggers in Eclipse?

For auto-completion triggers in Eclipse like IntelliJ, follow these steps, Go to the Eclipse Windows menu -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content assist and check your settings here Enter in Autocomplete activation string for java: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ._@ Apply and Close the Dialog box.

Why is my Altova MapForce not working in Eclipse?

UPDATE 2: This problem actually persisted even with the latest versions of Eclipse (3.6 M1). It is caused by a large JAR file generated my Altova Mapforce to handle EDIFACT transformations in our application. It is reproducible by adding this JAR to the buildpath and no changes to Content Assist settings help.

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