Why are my teeth discolored at the gum line?

Why are my teeth discolored at the gum line?

Tooth discoloration along the gum line can indicate several dental issues. One of the more common reasons for a yellow coating developing along the gum line is tartar buildup. Failing to maintain regular teeth cleanings can allow for tartar to form, especially in hard-to-reach places.

How do you remove brown stains from baby teeth?

You can usually remove these stains by brushing the teeth with a little bit of adult toothpaste (which contains more scrubbing power than children’s) or a little bit of baking soda and water. If this doesn’t work, your dentist can remove the stains with a professional scrubbing.

How do I get rid of the brown lines around my gums?


  1. Brush the teeth with a mixture of baking soda and water every few days.
  2. Rinse the mouth with a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution every day or every few days. Always rinse the mouth with water afterward.

How do you get rid of gum line stains?

Baking Soda & Water If you’re sure that the staining is caused by the foods or beverages you’re consuming, there’s a simple home remedy that can often help whiten them again. Mix baking soda and water, and brush your teeth with it every few days to supplement your typical oral care routine.

Does breast milk cause tooth decay?

Breast Milk and Breast Feeding Alone Do not Cause Cavities This is not the case. In several studies, children who were exclusively breastfed were found to have strong teeth, free of enamel decay.

What does fluorosis look like in babies?

Mild forms of fluorosis appear as white, lacy markings on the tooth’s enamel and are difficult to see with the untrained eye. Fewer instances of fluorosis are categorized as moderate. Moderate fluorosis looks just like mild but covers more of the tooth. In rare cases, fluorosis is described as severe.

Why are my 1 year old’s teeth yellow?

Yellow stains on baby teeth Yellow stains on your baby’s teeth typically mean that they aren’t being properly cleaned or brushed. The staining on kids with yellow teeth is caused by a buildup of plaque, which can cause tooth decay and cavities if left untreated.

Why would a dentist remove baby teeth?

Some of the reasons to take a baby tooth include tooth decay; trauma to the tooth, and infections, or it could be that teeth need to be removed to assist more predictable eruption of adult teeth or before orthodontic treatment can take place to speed up the eruption of adult teeth needed for optimal treatment.

Why are baby teeth whiter than adult teeth?

Baby teeth, also called primary teeth, are typically whiter than adult permanent teeth because they are more calcified. Baby teeth can become discolored for many reasons, including: Inadequate brushing. If baby teeth aren’t brushed properly, bacteria (plaque) might form on the teeth — which can lead to tooth discoloration. Medication use.

Does your child have a discolored tooth?

If one or more of your child’s teeth are discolored, this may also indicate a cavity or a tooth infection. Deep, large cavities can discolor the surface and interior of the enamel, leading to dark or brown stains. If the tooth is infected, this is an even more serious condition.

Should decay be fixed in baby teeth?

Should you treat cavities in baby teeth? YES – Cavities in Baby Teeth Must be Treated. Cavities on baby teeth are treated with fillings, which help prevent the cavity from worsening or spreading. When tooth decay is not treated by dental professionals, or with proper oral care, teeth can become riddled with cavities.

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