Who was Trotsky and what did he do?

Who was Trotsky and what did he do?

From March 1918 to January 1925, Trotsky headed the Red Army as People’s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and played a vital role in the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922. He became one of the seven members of the first Bolshevik Politburo in 1919.

What happened between Stalin and Trotsky?

Trotsky, firmer than ever in his opposition to Stalin, was exiled to Alma-ata in January 1928 and was exiled from the Soviet Union itself in February 1929, sent into exile in Turkey. From his exile, Trotsky continued to oppose Stalin, right up until Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico on Stalin’s orders in August 1940.

What did Trotsky believe in?

Trotsky self-identified as an orthodox Marxist, a revolutionary Marxist, and Bolshevik–Leninist, a follower of Marx, Engels, and of 3L: Vladimir Lenin, Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg.

Who were the Bolsheviks and what did they do?

The Bolsheviks ultimately became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks, or Reds, came to power in Russia during the October Revolution phase of the 1917 Russian Revolution, and founded the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR).

How was Trotsky assassinated?

August 21, 1940, Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico
Leon Trotsky/Assassinated

Why did Trotsky not attend Lenin’s funeral?

Funeral service There assembled crowds listened to a series of speeches delivered by Mikhail Kalinin, Grigory Zinoviev, and Joseph Stalin, but notably not Leon Trotsky, who had been convalescing in the Caucasus. Trotsky would later claim that Stalin had given him the wrong date for the funeral.

Why was Trotsky assassinated?

Mercader claimed to the police that he had wanted to marry Ageloff, but Trotsky had forbidden the marriage. He alleged that a violent quarrel with Trotsky had led to his wanting to murder Trotsky.

Who were the White Russians?

In the 18th and 19th centuries, the term “White Russian” described ethnic Russians living in the area between Russia and Poland (today this includes Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Moldova).

What is Bolshevik ideology?

Bolshevism (from Bolshevik) is a revolutionary Marxist current of political thought and political regime associated with the formation of a rigidly centralized, cohesive and disciplined party of social revolution, focused on overthrowing the existing capitalist state system, seizing power and establishing the ” …

How old is Leon Trotsky?

60 years (1879–1940)
Leon Trotsky/Age at death

Who was Leon Trotsky?

(Show more) Who was Leon Trotsky? Leon Trotsky was a communist theorist and Soviet politician. He played a key role in the Russian Revolution of 1917. During this time, Trotsky directed the Soviet military forces. He later served as the Soviet commissar of foreign affairs (1917–18) and of war (1918–24).

How did Trotsky defend his position on the new course?

Trotsky defended his position in a series of seven letters which were collected as The New Course in January 1924. The illusion of a “monolithic Bolshevik leadership” was thus shattered and a lively intra-Party discussion ensued, both in local Party organizations and in the pages of Pravda.

What was Trotsky’s view of the economy?

Trotsky did not believe an economic system could exist in isolation. He believed that an economic system must be seen and understood as a world system rather than as a national one. Thus, in Trotsky’s view, the lasting success of a socialist revolution (e.g., the October Revolution) depends on revolutions in other countries.

Why did Trotsky write his testament?

On 27 February 1940, Trotsky wrote a document known as “Trotsky’s Testament”, in which he expressed his final thoughts and feelings for posterity. He was suffering from high blood pressure, and feared that he would suffer a cerebral haemorrhage.

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