Where was the Milgram experiment conducted?

Where was the Milgram experiment conducted?

Milgram’s experiment, conducted at Yale in the early 1960s, was one of the most controversial studies in the history of psychology and remains so today — 50 years since the experiment took place. “This was a landmark study in psychology and in Yale history,” said psychology professor Jack Dovidio.

What did Milgram’s experiment reveal about human behavior?

Milgram’s research has had profound implications for the study of individual behavior that results in harm to others, demonstrated by events like the Holocaust and the My Lai massacre, showing that obedience to authority figures stems from the construction of a situation or context of authority, within which various …

What was unethical about the Milgram experiment?

The experiment was deemed unethical, because the participants were led to believe that they were administering shocks to real people. The participants were unaware that the learner was an associate of Milgram’s. However, Milgram argued that deception was necessary to produce the desired outcomes of the experiment.

How many times was the Milgram experiment conducted?

All the participants continued to 300 volts. Milgram did more than one experiment – he carried out 18 variations of his study. All he did was alter the situation (IV) to see how this affected obedience (DV).

How was the Milgram experiment rigged?

Although respondents thought they had an equal chance of playing the role of a student or of a teacher, the process was rigged so all respondents ended up playing the teacher. In reality, the only electric shocks delivered in the experiment were single 45-volt shock samples given to each teacher.

Would Milgram’s experiment be allowed today?

At the time, the Milgram experiment ethics seemed reasonable, but by the stricter controls in modern psychology, this experiment would not be allowed today. Modern ethical standards assert that participants in any experiment must not be deceived, and that they must be made aware of any consequences.

When did the Milgram experiment take place?

July 1961
The Milgram Shock Experiment Their defense often was based on “obedience” – that they were just following orders from their superiours. The experiments began in July 1961, a year after the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem.

What is the Milgram shock experiment?

The Milgram experiment(s) on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner”.

What did the Milgram experiment tell us about humans and obedience quizlet?

An experiment that Stanley Milgram designed to see what people would do when forced between obeying authority and listening to their conscience and morals. They were told that the experiment was about the effects of punishment of learning.


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