What was the most popular baby name in 2012?

What was the most popular baby name in 2012?

List of Top Baby Names in 2012 Is Out

Rank Boys Girls
1 Jacob Sophia
2 Mason Emma
3 Ethan Isabella
4 Noah Olivia

What are cool sci fi names?

Sci-fi And Fantasy Boy Names:

  • Anakin: Anakin Skywalker is the father of Leia and Luke before becoming the Rebel Force’s Darth Vader in the Star Wars saga.
  • Angel: The name Angel is not just restricted to girls.
  • Artemis:
  • Arthur:
  • Atreyu:
  • Bastian:
  • Ben:
  • Cullen:

Is Frankie a boy or girl name?

The name Frankie is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means Free Or Truthful. American diminutive of the name Frank, Frances, Francis or Francesca.

What are some cool and badass names for baby boys?

Maximus (Latin origin) meaning “greatest” is usually associated with the badass name of the protagonist in the movie ‘Gladiator’. 16. Neron (Spanish origin) meaning “strong”. 17. Ryder (English origin) meaning “mounted warrior”. This is a cool and badass name for baby boys.

What is a good name for a baby girl?

Noemi — A variant of Naomi, this Latin take means “my delight,” which will for sure describe your baby girl! 213. Sariah — “Princess,” of Hebrew origin. 214. Tenley — A name of English origin meaning “burnt clearing.”

What are some unique baby names from the last decade?

Go Ahead and Toss out Your Old List—Here Are 300+ Unique Baby Names From the Last Decade! 1. Ledger — A twist on the Germanic name Leodegar, which is made up of two elements with the meanings of “people” and… 2. Colson — “People of victory,” and actually originally comes from the name Nicholas! 3.

What is a unique name for a boy?

Unique Boy Names 1. Ledger — A twist on the Germanic name Leodegar, which is made up of two elements with the meanings of “people” and “spear.” 2.

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