What is valgus laxity?
Valgus laxity was defined as the difference between the medial stress radiograph and the neutral radiograph, varus laxity as the difference between the lateral stress radiograph and the neutral radiograph.
What does increased valgus laxity mean?
Knee joint laxity is a quantitative measure of knee stability that measures the passive tibiofemoral motion under load. Increased laxity may result in greater motion between articular surfaces of the femur and tibia, which could increase shear stress and alter articular loading patterns.
What does a positive valgus test on the elbow mean?
To perform the moving valgus stress test, the examiner applies and maintains a constant moderate valgus torque to the fully flexed elbow and then quickly extends the elbow. The test is positive if the medial elbow pain is reproduced at the medial collateral ligament and is at maximum between 120 degrees and 70 degrees.
What is a valgus laxity test?
Purpose. The valgus stress test, also known as the medial stress test, is used to assess the integrity of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee. MCL injuries are common in the athletic population and can occur as either isolated injuries, or combined with other structural injuries.
What is pseudo laxity?
Reference: pseudolaxity. Reference information: When a ligament no longer has to span the same distance in a joint as before; results when there is persistent inflammation of the synovium, caused by progressive erosion of the articular joint due to joint space narrowing.
How do you fix a valgus elbow?
In most cases, cubitus valgus is treated by one of two procedures: osteotomy or fixation. Osteotomy is a process in which your doctor cuts the bone in order to reshape it, thereby changing its alignment. A particular type of osteotomy called distraction osteogenesis has been used to treat cubitus valgus in children.
What is a valgus force elbow?
A constant valgus force is applied as the elbow is extended to 30° of flexion. A positive test must reproduce pain over the MCL between 70° and 120° of flexion, which is reminiscent of throwing between the late cocking and the early acceleration phases.
How do you check ligament laxity?
It involves completing a series of movements, such as pulling your fingers backward or bending over and placing your hands flat on the ground. Your doctor might use this test to assess whether ligamentous laxity appears in more than one area of your body.
What is valgus force of elbow?
What is valgus deformity?
Valgus knee deformity is defined as a tibio-femoral angle of greater than 10°. Typically, the deformity is the result of changes to both the bony and soft-tissue components around the knee.
Which ligaments resist against a valgus stress at the elbow joint?
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) resists valgus force and supports the ulnohumeral joint.