What is the treatment for SCAD?

What is the treatment for SCAD?

The goal of treatment for SCAD is to restore blood flow to the heart, manage chest pain and prevent recurrence. Sometimes, this healing will occur naturally. Or doctors might have to restore blood flow by opening the artery with a balloon or stent. Bypass surgery also might be used.

What is the survival rate of SCAD?

Initial reviews of SCAD reported a mortality rate of 70% (11). More recently, the outcome of SCAD has been reported to be more favourable (6,12), with one review suggesting a survival rate of 82% (8).

Can you live a long life with SCAD?

In rare cases, it may occur on multiple occasions. Subsequent dissections are more likely to occur within the first few months of the first event, with the risk reducing as time goes by. The good news is that the large majority of people who have experienced SCAD go on to live healthy lives without further problems.

How long does SCAD take to heal?

In most cases, sudden coronary artery dissection (SCAD) may heal in a few weeks to months. The healing time depends on several factors, such as the extent of damage to the heart and coronary blood vessels and any underlying health conditions (such as diabetes or hypertension).

What triggers SCAD?

Hormone use. Hormone therapy, such as from oral contraceptives or infertility treatments, has been associated with SCAD . Other conditions affecting blood vessels. Diseases that cause inflammation of the blood vessels, such as lupus and polyarteritis nodosa, also have been associated with SCAD .

Is SCAD caused by stress?

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) has emerged as an important cause of acute coronary syndrome and sudden cardiac death. The triggers for SCAD often do not include traditional atherosclerotic risk factors. The most commonly reported triggers are extreme physical or emotional stress.

Can SCAD happen again?

There is some risk of recurrence after SCAD, and most patients will be followed by a cardiologist long-term. Up to 19% of people who have had an arterial dissection will have another one, making it especially important for SCAD patients to seek treatment if they experience signs of a heart attack immediately.

Does stress cause SCAD?

Is SCAD hereditary?

“We know from previous research that SCAD occurs most often in younger women with no or minimal cardiovascular risk factors, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Recognizing now that it is a heritable disorder has implications for at-risk family members, and helps us understand the condition better.”


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