What is the swift code for Mitsubishi UFJ Bank?

What is the swift code for Mitsubishi UFJ Bank?


Swift code (8 characters) BOTKJPJT
Branch name MUFG BANK, LTD.
Branch code XXX

What is my branch sort code?

A sort code (which you might also hear called a ‘branch sort code’) is the other key number you need. It’s a 6-digit number that identifies the branch of your bank where your account is held. The digits are typically grouped in pairs. For example, N26 accounts in the UK all share the same sort code: 04-00-26.

What does UFJ stand for in Mufg?

United Financial of Japan
“UFJ” is an abbreviation of “United Financial of Japan”, was formed from a merger of Sanwa Bank and Tokai Bank with the Toyo Trust & Banking Co.

Do foreign bank accounts have sort codes?

Sort codes are used by UK and Irish banks only; they are only used for international transactions when the payment is sent via bank transfer.

What is Zengin bank code?

The Zengin Code is a unique number used in Japan to identify banks and branches for domestic certain domestic payments. The Zengin code for a bank company comprises 4 digits, with 3 more digits added to identify the branch.

What does Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group do?

As one of the world’s leading financial groups with total assets of approximately $3.1 trillion (USD)1, MUFG (Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group) offers services in corporate and investment, commercial, and consumer banking, as well as transaction banking, securities, wealth management, and more.

Is Union Bank a Japanese bank?

Japan’s Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group is selling the retail banking division of its U.S. regional bank MUFG Union Bank.

How do I find a sort code?

Where is the sort code? You can typically find your sort code on bank statements and in your online or app banking. Many banks also print the sort code on the front or back of the bank card together with the account number.

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