What is the role of mentoring in youth development?

What is the role of mentoring in youth development?

Mentoring provides youth with mentors who can develop an emotional bond with the mentee, have greater experience than the mentee, and can provide support, guidance, and opportunities to help youth succeed in life and meet their goals (DuBois and Karcher, 2005).

What are the outcomes of girls group mentoring programs?

Examples of outcomes include: Knowledge of a certain topic; increased confidence; greater community engagement; and increased school attendance. Preparing for and operating girls group mentoring programs involves completing several key activities.

Does the mentor have a set plan for the course?

The mentor always has a set plan for the subject course. Also, it is not just a formal requirement for the procedure. However, the mentor needs to prepare a mentoring action plan template before starting any course in a physical classroom or e-learning platforms like YouTube, and Coursera.

What are the basic information set for mentees and mentors?

The mentor information normally includes the name, designation, department, contact #, and email address of the mentor. While basic information set for the mentees is also the same. However, it is recommended to add the academic and skill background of mentees. So, the mentor can plan the activity with a customized approach.

What are the benefits of school-based mentoring?

Further, the 2007 study of the program found youth in school-based mentoring programs turned in higher quality class work, did better academically (especially in science and written and oral communication), and completed more of their assignments than their peers who did not have mentors.

How do mentors affect youth drug and alcohol use?

A BBBS study showed youth with mentors were less likely to begin using drugs or alcohol during the eighteen-month period of the study than their peers. Specifically, 6.2 percent of youth with mentors initiated drug use compared to 11.4 percent of their peers without mentors, and 19.4 percent initiated alcohol use compared to 26.7 percent.

Can mentoring programs reduce delinquency?

Jekielek et al. (2002) found that four mentoring programs showed reductions of some behaviors related to delinquency and negative behaviors, but did not eliminate all delinquent behaviors.

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