What is the pathogen of leaf spot of corn?

What is the pathogen of leaf spot of corn?

Northern corn leaf spot is caused by a fungus called Bipolaris zeicola (syn. Helminthosporium carbonum). It overwinters on corn residue. There are several races of this pathogen that can be found in the Corn Belt, but races 2 and 3 appear to be the most common.

What is GLS disease?

Grey leaf spot (GLS) is a foliar fungal disease that affects maize, also known as corn. GLS is considered one of the most significant yield-limiting diseases of corn worldwide. There are two fungal pathogens that cause GLS: Cercospora zeae-maydis and Cercospora zeina.

What causes brown spots on corn leaves?

Physoderma brown spot is caused by the fungus Physoderma maydis. Symptoms of Physoderma brown spot usually appear on mid-canopy leaves. Leaf lesions are numerous, very small (approximately ¼ inch in diameter), round to oval, yellowish to brown in color, and usually occur in broad bands across the leaf.

What causes eyespot in corn?

Eyespot is caused by the fungus Aureobasidium zeae. The initial symptoms of eyespot are small, water-soaked or chlorotic circular spots. The tissue at the center of the spot later dies and turns tan-colored with a brown ring at the margin.

What is anthracnose in corn?

Anthracnose in corn is caused by the Colletotrichum graminicola fungus which possesses the potential to cause early- and late-season leaf blight, stalk rot and “top-kill” or “die-back” (when upper leaves may die before those in the center).

What are the symptoms of the corn virus?

Symptoms of Corn with High Plains Virus Symptoms of high plains virus of sweet corn vary widely, but may include weakened root systems, stunted growth and yellowing of the leaves, sometimes with yellow streaks and flecks. Reddish purple discolorations or wide yellow bands are often seen on mature leaves.

What pesticide is used on corn?

Conventional farmers spray glyphosate on genetically engineered corn, oats, soybeans and wheat before it is harvested. Consumers also use glyphosate on their lawns and gardeners.

What is Physoderma brown spot?

Physoderma brown spot and stalk rot is caused by the chytridiomycete Physoderma maydis. This is the only class of fungi that produce zoospores – spores that have a flagellum (tail) and swim in free water. P. maydis survives as sporangia for 2 to 7 years in soil and crop debris.

What causes northern corn leaf blight?

Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), caused by the fungus Exserohilum turcicum, is an increasingly important disease in the U.S. Corn Belt. The disease has appeared annually in Indiana, and has increased in prevalence since the mid- to late 2000s.

What is the symptoms of corn rust?

Symptoms. Common rust produces rust-colored to dark brown, elongated pustules on both leaf surfaces. The pustules contain rust spores (urediniospores) that are cinnamon brown in color. Pustules darken as they age.

What is eyespot in corn?

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