What is the name for PbO?

What is the name for PbO?

lead(II) oxide
lead(II) oxide.

Does pbo2 exist?

Lead(IV) oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula PbO2. It is an oxide where lead is in an oxidation state of +4. It is a dark-brown solid which is insoluble in water. It exists in two crystalline forms.

What is the correct formula of pbo2?

Lead(IV) oxide/Formula

What does PbO stand for in chemistry?

Lead monoxide

PubChem CID 14827
Structure Find Similar Structures
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula PbO or OPb
Synonyms Lead monoxide Lead oxide Lead(II) oxide 1317-36-8 Lead oxide (PbO) More…

What element is PbO?

Lead(II) oxide, also called lead monoxide, is the inorganic compound with the molecular formula PbO. PbO occurs in two polymorphs: litharge having a tetragonal crystal structure, and massicot having an orthorhombic crystal structure….Lead(II) oxide.

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Chemical formula PbO

What is PBO2 name?

Lead peroxide. lead (IV) oxide. Lead oxide (PbO2)

Is PbO ionic or molecular?

Lead(II) oxide, also called lead monoxide, is the inorganic compound with the molecular formula PbO. PbO occurs in two polymorphs: litharge having a tetragonal crystal structure, and massicot having an orthorhombic crystal structure.

What is PbO2 chemistry?

Lead oxide (PbO2)

Is PbO ionic or covalent?

PbO P b O is a compound formed from the ionic bond of two ions, a lead (Pb) cation and an oxide anion. Since lead has several…

Is PbO a precipitate?

In contact with the supernatant liquid the basic acetate or hydroxide converts spontaneously into a green precipitate which has the orthorhombic structure of yellow lead oxide. The result is then yellow orthorhombic lead oxide.

Is PbO a salt?

Lead(II) oxide, also called lead monoxide, is the inorganic compound with the molecular formula PbO. PbO occurs in two polymorphs: litharge having a tetragonal crystal structure, and massicot having an orthorhombic crystal structure….Lead(II) oxide.

Chemical formula PbO
Molar mass 223.20 g/mol

What is the name of CrCl3?


Synonyms Sources
Chromium chloride ChemIDplus
Chromium trichloride ChemIDplus
Chromium(III) chloride ChemIDplus

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