What is the meaning of word monody?

What is the meaning of word monody?

Definition of monody 1 : an ode sung by one voice (as in a Greek tragedy) 2 : an elegy or dirge performed by one person. 3a : a monophonic vocal piece. b : the monophonic style of 17th century opera.

What does Monodist mean?

Definition of monodist : a writer, singer, or composer of monody.

What is a monody in literature?

In poetry, the term monody has become specialized to refer to a poem in which one person laments another’s death. In music, monody refers to a solo vocal style distinguished by having a single melodic line and instrumental accompaniment.

What form is monody usually in?

monody, style of accompanied solo song consisting of a vocal line, which is frequently embellished, and simple, often expressive, harmonies.

What is an example of lament?

Lament is defined as to feel loss, sorrow or regret, often expressed in a physical way. An example of lament is to feel sad and cry at a funeral. An example of lament is to wish you would have done something different with your life.

Is monody A opera?

Monody (opera) | Grove Music.

Who wrote monody?

Monody by Herman Melville | Poetry Foundation.

What texture is monody?

When a homophonic piece consists of a single melody line over the choral accompaniment, it is known as Monody. When you hear a guitarist strumming chords and singing a melody, you are listening to Monody. Many composers of instrumental works use this texture as well, such as Chopin’s nocturnes and waltzes.

What is monody Baroque?

In the development of opera, the word monody, essentially music for a single voice, is associated with the dramatic monody of the early Baroque, in which the vocal line, accompanied by basso continuo of a chordal and a bass instrument, follows the contours and dramatic stresses of the text.

What is the meaning of monody?

Definition of monody. 1 : an ode sung by one voice (as in a Greek tragedy) 2 : an elegy or dirge performed by one person.

What is the meaning of the word ‘mono’?

A poem in which the poet or speaker mourns another’s death. A style of composition dominated by a single melodic line. A style of composition having a single melodic line; monophony. A composition in either of these styles. [Late Latin monōdia, from Greek monōidiā : mono-, mono- + aoidē, ōidē, song; see wed- in Indo-European roots .]…

What is the meaning of the word monophony?

/ ˈmɒn ə di /. a Greek ode sung by a single voice, as in a tragedy; lament. a poem in which the poet or speaker laments another’s death; threnody. Music. a style of composition in which one part or melody predominates; homophony, as distinguished from polyphony. a piece in this style. monophony(def 1).

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