What is the language code for Mandarin?

What is the language code for Mandarin?

Language codes

Language 639-1 639-3 code
Chinese zh zho
Mandarin cmn
Cantonese yue
Minnan nan

What is the language code for Portuguese?

Search Results

ISO 639-2 Language Code ISO 639-1 Language Code English name of Language
cpp Creoles and pidgins, portuguese-based
por pt portuguese

What is the language code for Hebrew?

Language Codes sorted by Codes

ISO Language
he Hebrew
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
hy Armenian

Is zh CN simplified or traditional?

Language Codes

Language Name Language Code
Chinese (Simplified, People’s Republic of China) zh-CN
Chinese (Simplified, Singapore) zh-SG
Chinese (Traditional) (zh-CHT) zh-CHT
Chinese (Traditional) (zh-Hant) zh-Hant

Do they use simplified Chinese in Hong Kong?

In general, schools in Mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore use simplified characters exclusively, while schools in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan use traditional characters exclusively.

What language does ISO use?

Codes arranged alphabetically by alpha-3/ISO 639-2 Code

ISO 639-2 Code ISO 639-1 Code English name of Language
arg an Aragonese
arm (B) hye (T) hy Armenian
arn Mapudungun; Mapuche
arp Arapaho

Is zh-CN simplified or traditional?

How many ISO languages are there?

Note: ISO 639-2 is the alpha-3 code in Codes for the representation of names of languages– Part 2. There are 21 languages that have alternative codes for bibliographic or terminology purposes. In those cases, each is listed separately and they are designated as “B” (bibliographic) or “T” (terminology).

What language is Si from?

Does SI mean if in Spanish? Yes, SOMETIMES! It depends on where the accent is. Si means “If”, whereas Sí means “Yes”.

What is the ISO 639-2 code for language?

Note:ISO 639-2 is the alpha-3 code in Codes for the representation of names of languages– Part 2. There are 21 languages that have alternative codes for bibliographic or terminology purposes.

What is the ISO code for South Africa?

ISO Language Code Table. Code: Name: af: Afrikaans: af-ZA: Afrikaans (South Africa) ar: Arabic: ar-AE: Arabic (U.A.E.)

What does 639 mean in isoiso?

ISO 639 is a standardized nomenclature used to classify languages. Each language is assigned a two-letter (639-1) and three-letter ( 639-2 and 639-3) lowercase abbreviation, amended in later versions of the nomenclature. Note: Colors on the leftmost column represent the language family mentioned in the second column.

What is the ISO 639 code for Romanian?

Changed in 1989 from original ISO 639:1988, in. The identifiers mo and mol are deprecated, leaving ro and ron ( 639-2/T) and rum ( 639-2/B) the current language identifiers to be used for the variant of the Romanian language also known as Moldavian and Moldovan in English and moldave in French.

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