What is the labeled line principle?

What is the labeled line principle?

Labeled line principle is a hypothesis to explain how different nerves, all of which use the same physiological principles in transmitting impulses along their axons, can generate different sensations. Every receptor has one attached nerve. One nerve can have multiple receptors attached to it.

What are labeled lines what do they transmit?

A labeled line can be defined as a nerve that on its one end is connected to a sensory receptor or unit from which it received the sensory stimuli. From the other end, it transfers this stimulus to the specific region in the brain where the neurons responding to those stimuli reside.

What accounts for the fact that cold sensations can mask pain sensations?

First, cold-sensitive A-fibers may connect with COLD neurons to evoke cold sensation (a cold labeled line), and activation of this labeled line will mask pain sensation evoked by the activation of cold-sensitive C-fibers (a heat or pain labeled line).

What is somatosensory input?

The somatosensory system is the part of the sensory system concerned with the conscious perception of touch, pressure, pain, temperature, position, movement, and vibration, which arise from the muscles, joints, skin, and fascia.

What is mechano receptor?

Introduction. Mechanoreceptors are a type of somatosensory receptors which relay extracellular stimulus to intracellular signal transduction through mechanically gated ion channels. The external stimuli are usually in the form of touch, pressure, stretching, sound waves, and motion.

What is tonic receptor?

a receptor cell whose frequency of discharge of nerve impulses declines slowly or not at all as stimulation is maintained.

What kind of receptors detect pain warmth and cold?

Thermoreceptors. Thermoreceptors can be separated into receptors for warmth and cold detection.

What are population codes?

Key Points. Population codes: Information about quantities in the world is represented by neural activity patterns in a characteristic general fashion. Single cells respond to a specific variety of values of the quantities; so each particular value leads to coordinated firing in a whole population of cells.

What is Somesthetic sensation?

1. perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses. 2. a mental condition or physical feeling resulting from stimulation of a sense organ or from internal bodily change, as cold or pain.

Is proprioception A 6th sense?

This sense is called proprioception (pronounced “pro-pree-o-ception”); it’s an awareness of where our limbs are and how our bodies are positioned in space. And like the other senses — vision, hearing, and so on — it helps our brains navigate the world. Scientists sometimes refer to it as our “sixth sense.”

What are Krause end bulbs?

a specialized sensory nerve ending enclosed in a capsule in the skin. It is associated with temperature sensations. [

What are the means of mechanoreception for hearing and balance?

Mechanoreceptors are involved in hearing, detection of equilibrium, skin tactile sensing, deep tissue sensing, and sensing of arterial pressure. Hearing or audition involves the transduction of sound waves into neural signals via mechanoreceptors in the inner ear.

labeled line principle. A hypothesis to explain how different nerves, all of which use the same physiological principles in transmitting impulses along their axons, are able to generate different sensations.

What is labeled lines?

Inputs to the brain that are nerve inputs and the brain conceptualized as each reporting only one particular type of information. LABELED LINES: “Labelled Lines are inputs to the brain reporting only one type of information.”.

What is labeled line coding?

Anatomical or labeled line coding tells the mind/brain where a stimulus is (for example, how you can tell a singing bird is up and to your left, or where is itches on your back) It also tells (usually) which kind it is (a small, red bird, singing two notes, or that it’s an itch and not a touch or pain).

What is divided line theory?

Plato’s similes of the Cave and the Divided Line. Plato’s theory of the Forms means that acquiring knowledge involves turning away from the world of the senses, which can only ever produce opinion, towards the Forms and the world of the intellect. He uses metaphors and analogies to help us understand his theory.

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