What is the difference between LM and NTLM passwords hashes?

What is the difference between LM and NTLM passwords hashes?

Context & Best Practices. LM hashes are used by LAN Manager (LM) authentication, an old authentication mechanism that predates NTLM authentication. By contrast, NTLM and Kerberos authentication both use Windows NT password hashes (known as NT hashes or Unicode hashes), which are considerably more secure.

Does Windows 10 store LM hash?

Summary. Windows doesn’t store your user account password in clear-text. Instead, it generates and stores user account passwords by using two different password representations, known as hashes.

Which OS uses LM and NTLM?

Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows has two types of password hashes: LM (LAN Manager) and the newer NT (or NTLM) hashes.

What is the advantage of NTLM over LM?

In Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4, Microsoft introduced a new version of this authentication. Called NTLM Version 2 (NTLMv2), it is a great improvement over LM and NTLM. It uses much longer keys for the hash algorithm and takes advantage of passwords longer than 14 characters.

What is LM and NT hashes?

LM- and NT-hashes are ways Windows stores passwords. NT is confusingly also known as NTLM. Can be cracked to gain password, or used to pass-the-hash. NTLMv1/v2 are challenge response protocols used for authentication in Windows environments.

What is LM hash used for?

LM hash, LanMan hash, or LAN Manager hash is a compromised password hashing function that was the primary hash that Microsoft LAN Manager and Microsoft Windows versions prior to Windows Server NT used to store user passwords.

Where are NTLM hashes stored?

The user passwords are stored in a hashed format in a registry hive either as an LM hash or as an NTLM hash. This file can be found in %SystemRoot%/system32/config/SAM and is mounted on HKLM/SAM and SYSTEM privileges are required to view it.

Where is LM hash stored?

The user passwords are stored in a hashed format in a registry hive either as an LM hash or as an NTLM hash. This file can be found in %SystemRoot%/system32/config/SAM and is mounted on HKLM/SAM and SYSTEM privileges are required to view it.

Is NTLM obsolete?

While NTLM is still supported by Microsoft, it has been replaced by Kerberos as the default authentication protocol in Windows 2000 and subsequent Active Directory (AD) domains.

What is length of LM hash?

These two ciphertext values are concatenated to form a 16-byte value, which is the LM hash.

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