What is the cheapest electric supplier in Pennsylvania?

What is the cheapest electric supplier in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania electricity rates

Plan Name Plan Length Rate
Public Power – 12 Month Fixed 12 months $0.080 / kWh
Constellation – 36 Month Home Power Plan 36 months $0.085 / kWh
Verde Energy – Clean Power 24 24 months $0.087 / kWh

Who has the best electric rates in PA?

Pennsylvania electricity rates

Plan Name Plan Length Rate
Constellation – 36 Month Home Power Plan 36 months $0.082 / kWh
Public Power – 12 Month Fixed 12 months $0.083 / kWh
Verde Energy – Clean Power 24 24 months $0.088 / kWh
YEP Energy – 24 Month Fixed Rate Plan 24 months $0.099 / kWh

What are the cheapest electricity rates?

Electricity Rates By State (Updated Daily)

  • The Average Electricity Rate in the U.S. is 10.42 cents per kilowatt-hour.
  • Hawaii has the highest average electricity rate of 30.55 cents per kilowatt-hour.
  • Louisiana has the lowest average electricity rate of 7.01cents per kilowatt-hour.

What time of day is electricity the cheapest?

Electricity is often cheaper late at night or early in the morning, so those will be the times when you can save money on your electric bill. This is because these are typical off-peak hours when not as many people are using electricity.

What is a good electric rate?

As stated earlier, a good energy rate is partly reliant on the city or state you live in. The average electricity rate in the U.S is 13.14 cents, which means that anything below 13.14 per kWh, is a good energy rate.

Are PA electric rates going up?

PENNSYLVANIA, USA — The Public Utility Commission expects energy costs to increase across the state starting Wednesday, December 1, 2021. The commission says the price of natural gas is to blame. PP&L customers will see a 26 percent price hike, which is about $40for the average homeowner.

What is PECO comparison rate?

​PECO’s Price to Compare (PTC) is the rate you will pay for electricity if you don’t shop for a supplier. The PTC changes quarterly with market prices in March, June, September and December. The monthly savings that you may get by shopping will depend on the rate charged by the supplier(s) you choose versus PECO’s PTC.

What is West Penn Power price compare?

Price to compare refers to the price per kilowatt-hour that you’ll pay if you purchase the default electricity service from your utility company. West Penn Power’s price to compare is 5.198 cents per kilowatt-hour.

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