What is the average household income in Seattle?

What is the average household income in Seattle?


Income & Poverty
Median household income (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 $92,263
Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 $59,835
Persons in poverty, percent  11.0%

What was the median household income in 2014?

Median household income in the United States from 1990 to 2020 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)

Characteristic Median income (2019 U.S. dollars)
2016 60,309
2015 58,476
2014 55,613
2013 56,479

What is the median household income in Seattle 2021?

Washington Seattle contributes to Washington’s relatively high median household income. About half of the households bring six figures home, and the median household income is $102,486, the third-highest among the nation’s largest cities.

What is the median income in Seattle 2020?

Households in Seattle, WA have a median annual income of $102,486, which is more than the median annual income of $65,712 across the entire United States.

What is middle class income in Seattle?

Seattle. The median household income in Seattle is $102,486. Thus, the middle-class income range is $76,864.50 to $204,972. For families, the median is $130,685 and for married couples, it is $151,887.

What is the poverty rate in the US 2014?

Poverty rate in the United States from 1990 to 2020

Characteristic Percentage of population
’15 13.5%
’14 14.8%
’13 14.8%
’12 15%

How many people are in poverty in the US 2014?

46.7 million people
In 2014, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 46.7 million people, or 14.8 percent of the nation’s population, lived below the official poverty level.

What salary is middle class in Seattle?

Seattle. The median household income in Seattle is $102,486. Thus, the middle-class income range is $76,864.50 to $204,972.

What is a living salary in Seattle?

You need to make $72,092 a year to live comfortably in Seattle.

What is a livable salary in Seattle?

Recommended Salary in Seattle The recommended household income for a two-bedroom apartment is $75,780 per year. The “living wage,” or the minimum amount of money needed to live above the poverty threshold, in Seattle is $19.57 per hour for a full-time employed individual.

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