What is the Amputee Mobility Predictor?

What is the Amputee Mobility Predictor?

Amputee mobility predictor (AMP) is a quick and easily administered assessment tool designed to measure the functional status of lower-limb amputees with (AMPPRO) and without (AMPnoPRO) the use of a prosthesis. AMP can be used before prosthetic fitting to predict functional mobility after prosthetic fitting.

What is prosthetic evaluation questionnaire?

The Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ) was developed specifically to provide functional outcome measures in prosthetics that are more tuned to prosthesis-related changes in quality of life. It is a self-report questionnaire containing 54 questions organized into nine functional domain scales.

What is locomotor index?

The Locomotor Capabilities Index (LCI) is a 14-item questionnaire specifically designed to measure walking ability of lower-limb amputees. The LCI has demonstrated good validity and reliability in adults with lower limb amputation and it has been found especially useful in daily clinical practices.

What are K levels?

Sue | K-levels are a rating system used by Medicare to indicate a person’s rehabilitation potential. The system is a rating from 0 through 4 and it indicates a person’s potential to use a prosthetic device if they had a device that worked well for them and they completed rehabilitation to use the device properly.

What is a K4 amputee?

K4 – The patient has the ability or potential for ambulation (walking) that exceeds basic ambulation skills, exhibiting high impact, stress, or energy levels. This is the typical level of prosthetic demands of the child, active adult, or athlete.

What is a SACH foot?

SACH foot SACH is an acronym for “solid ankle, cushion heel,” and refers to a compressible heel wedge that provides “pseudo-plantar flexion” after heel strike. The rigid wooden keel provides midstance stability but little lateral movement.

How is the Peq scored?

Guide for Scoring and Analysis Most questions in the PEQ use a visual analog scale format. Each visual analog scale is scored as a continuous numerical variable measured as the distance in millimeters from the left endpoint of the line to the point at which the respondent’s mark crosses the line.

When was the first prosthetic arm made?

A famous and quite refined historical prosthetic arm was that of Götz von Berlichingen, made at the beginning of the 16th century. The first confirmed use of a prosthetic device, however, is from 950 to 710 BC.

How is locomotor index calculated?

The locomotor diversity index is calculated as:? P p i ln p i , where p i is the proportion of a particular locomotor behavior out of the total combination of locomotor behaviors. Locomotor diversity has meant many different things depending on the subject area or investigator.

What are the levels of amputation?

Levels of Amputation

  • Forequarter.
  • Shoulder Disarticulation (SD)
  • Transhumeral (Above Elbow AE)
  • Elbow Disarticulation (ED)
  • Transradial (Below Elbow BE)
  • Hand/ Wrist Disarticulation.
  • Transcarpal (Partial Hand PH)
  • Transmetacarpal.

What is a K3 prosthetic foot?

The Odyssey K3 utilises the patented curved hydraulic ankle plus a higher frequency carbon fibre foot base for increased dynamic response. The combination of smooth hydraulics and a dynamic foot base brings exceptional performance during activities such as city walking or multi-terrain hiking.

What is a K2 prosthetic?

K1 – The patient has the ability or potential to use a prosthesis for transfers or ambulation (walking) on level surfaces at a fixed cadence (speed). K2 – The patient has the ability or potential for ambulation (walking) on low level environmental barriers such as curbs, stairs, or uneven surfaces.

What does the amputee mobility predictor measure?

The amputee mobility predictor: an instrument to assess determinants of the lower-limb amputee’s ability to ambulate The AMP with and without a prosthesis are reliable and valid measures for the assessment of functional ambulation in lower-limb amputee subjects.

Is the AMP a reliable measure of functional ambulation?

The AMP with and without a prosthesis are reliable and valid measures for the assessment of functional ambulation in lower-limb amputee subjects. The amputee mobility predictor: an instrument to assess determinants of the lower-limb amputee’s ability to ambulate

What is the Gailey mobility predictor?

Gailey RS, Roach KE, Applegate EB, Cho B, Cunniffe B, Licht S, Maguire M, Nash MS. The Amputee Mobility Predictor: an instrument to assess determinants of the lower-limb amputee ability to ambulate. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83:613-27.

How reliable are lower limb amputees in quality assessments?

Lower limb amputees (Gailey et al., 2002; n = 24, mean age = 68.3 years) Good instrument stability with little variation from the initial testing period to follow-up 3 weeks later. Excellent test-retest reliability ICC = .88 (CI 95 = .79 – .93) Excellent interrater reliability for subjects tested with and without prosthesis, ICC = 0.99

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