What is stabilizing selection with example?

What is stabilizing selection with example?

The result of stabilizing is the over-representation in a specific trait. For example, the coats of a species of mice in a forest will all be the best color to act as camouflage in their environment. Other examples include human birth weight, the number of eggs a bird lays, and the density of cactus spines.

What describes the stabilizing effect of natural selection?

Stabilizing selection is a descriptive term for what happens to an individual trait when the extremes of the trait are selected against. This increases the frequency of the trait in the population, and the alleles and genes which help form it.

What is the stabilizing effect in biology?

Stabilizing selection results in a decrease of a population ‘s genetic variance when natural selection favors an average phenotype and selects against extreme variations. In directional selection, a population’s genetic variance shifts toward a new phenotype when exposed to environmental changes.

What is stabilising selection a level biology?

Stabilising selection is natural selection that keeps allele frequencies relatively constant over generations. This means things stay as they are unless there is a change in the environment. A classic example of stabilising selection can be seen in human birth weights.

What is stabilizing selection quizlet?

Stabilizing Selection. Occurs when individuals at the extremes of the range of characteristic are selected against. This means that the “average” individuals are selected for.

How do you describe stabilizing selection?

Stabilizing selection (not to be confused with negative or purifying selection) is a type of natural selection in which the population mean stabilizes on a particular non-extreme trait value. This means that most common phenotype in the population is selected for and continues to dominate in future generations.

What is stabilizing selection a level biology?

How do stabilizing and disruptive selection differ?

Stabilizing selection reduces the amount of variation in a trait. Disruptive selection increases the amount of variation in a trait. With stabilizing selection, extreme individuals have high biological fitness. With disruptive selection, extreme individuals have low biological fitness.

What do stabilizing selection and directional have in common apex?

Both stabilizing selection and and directional selection require the same conditions to occur. They both require variation in a population and a reproductive rate that leads to a population that cannot be supported by the environment leading to differential survival.

What is the difference between stabilizing selection and directional selection?

Stabilizing selection (left column) acts against phenotypes at both extremes of the distribution, favouring the multiplication of intermediate phenotypes. Directional selection (centre column) acts against only one extreme of phenotypes, causing a shift in distribution toward the other extreme.

What is stabilizing selection and how does it differ from disruptive selection and directional selection?

Disruptive selection favors both extreme phenotypes, different from one extreme in directional selection. Stabilizing selection favors the middle phenotype, causing the decline in variation in a population over time.

Is stabilizing selection natural selection?

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