What is Sandra Harding known for?

What is Sandra Harding known for?

Sandra G. Harding (born 1935) is an American philosopher of feminist and postcolonial theory, epistemology, research methodology, and philosophy of science. She directed the UCLA Center for the Study of Women from 1996 to 2000, and co-edited Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society from 2000 to 2005.

Where was Sandra Harding born?

United States
Sandra Harding/Place of birth

How does Sandra Harding discuss the feminist method?

The temptation has been to appeal to a method of feminist inquiry. Against this, Harding argues that there is no distinctive feminist method. Her reasons for eschewing the recourse to method are several. The methodology issue is wrongly posed.

Who is the founder of standpoint theory?

The American feminist theorist Sandra Harding coined the term standpoint theory to categorize epistemologies that emphasize women’s knowledge.

What is strong objectivity Sandra Harding?

Strong objectivity is a term coined by feminist philosopher Sandra Harding, known for her work on feminist standpoint theory. Harding suggests that starting research from the lives of women “actually strengthens standards of objectivity”.

What are feminist values?

It begins by establishing a link between feminine gender and feminist values, which include cooperation, respect, caring, nurturance, intercon- nection, justice, equity, honesty, sensitivity, perceptiveness, intuition, altruism, fair- ness, morality, and commitment.

What do you mean by feminist method?

Abstract. Feminist methodology is the approach to research that has been developed in response to concerns by feminist scholars about the limits of traditional methodology to capture the experiences of women and others who have been marginalized in academic research.

What is standpoint theory Sandra Harding?

Standpoint theory supports what feminist theorist Sandra Harding calls strong objectivity, or the notion that the perspectives of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals can help to create more objective accounts of the world.

Why did Nancy Hartsock write the feminist standpoint?

Hartsock argued that a feminist standpoint could be built out of Marx’s understanding of experience and used to criticize patriarchal theories. Their location as a subordinated group allows women to see and understand the world in ways that are different and challenging to the existing male-biased conventional wisdom.

What does human subjectivity mean?

Subjectivity refers to how someone’s judgment is shaped by personal opinions and feelings instead of outside influences. For example, if you have six sisters, that might influence how you view women or families — it’s part of your subjectivity. Subjectivity is a form of bias and also individuality.

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