What is psychological assessment quizlet?

What is psychological assessment quizlet?

Psychological assessment. gathering and integration of psychology-related data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation. This is accomplished through the use of tools such as tests, interviews, case studies, behavioural observation and specially designed apparatuses and measurement procedures.

What does psychological assessment mean?

the gathering and integration of data to evaluate a person’s behavior, abilities, and other characteristics, particularly for the purposes of making a diagnosis or treatment recommendation.

What is psychological assessment primarily used for quizlet?

A psychological test is an objective procedure for sampling and quantifying human behaviour to make an inference about a particular psychological construct using standardised stimuli, and methods of administration and scoring.

What is psychological assessment primarily used for?

The goals of psychological assessment are to better understand a person’s strengths and weaknesses, identify potential problems with cognitions, emotional reactivity, and make recommendations for treatment/remediation.

What is dynamic assessment quizlet?

Dynamic Assessment. Determines how much and what types of support or assistance are needed to increase abilities.

What is psychometric soundness?

When used in reference to individual assessment instruments or to types of tests, the phrases “psychometric soundness” and/or “psychometric adequacy” refer to whether the tests demonstrate sufficient levels of reliability and validity for ethical use with clients.

What is psychological measurement?

Psychological measurement focuses on developing and testing tools to validity measure psychological qualities (such as knowledge, attitudes and opinions, emotions, cognitions, and personality).

What is psychological assessment Class 12?

Assessment is the first step of understanding the attributes. It is the measurement of psychological attributes of individuals and their evaluation, often using multiple methods as standards of comparison. The assessment may be Formal or Informal: Informal- e.g. If we say Harish is dominant.

Which of the following are reasons why psychologists use psychological testing?

Psychologists use testing to examine a variety of factors, including emotional intelligence, personality, mental aptitude, and neurological functioning.

In what ways is dynamic assessment based on developmental concepts?

Using a continuous pretest-teach-retest cycle–known as dynamic assessment–teachers can gauge a student’s zone of proximal development. Geared toward understanding a concept with the teacher’s help, the teacher leads the students towards a level of mastery for the concept being taught.

Which name is best associated with the term zone of proximal development?

Zone of proximal development definition The idea of the ZPD came from a Russian psychologist named Lev Vygotsky in the early 1900s. Vygotsky believed that every person has two stages of skill development: a level they can achieve by themselves. a level they can achieve with the help of an experienced mentor or teacher.

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