What is profiling in Visual Studio?

What is profiling in Visual Studio?

Profiling and diagnostics tools help you diagnose memory and CPU usage and other application-level issues. With these tools, you can accumulate performance data while you run your application.

How do I run a Visual Studio profiler?

Collecting CPU Usage Data

  1. Select Debug > Performance Profiler. Or, you can simply click Alt + F2.
  2. Now, you will see the summary page. Under Available Tools, select CPU Usage.
  3. Click Start.

Where is the diagnostic tool in Visual Studio?

When you start debugging in Visual Studio by selecting Debug > Start Debugging, or pressing F5, the Diagnostic Tools window appears by default. To open it manually, select Debug > Windows > Show Diagnostic Tools. The Diagnostic Tools window shows information about events, process memory, and CPU usage.

How do I find my CPU profile?

To open the CPU Profiler, follow these steps:

  1. Select View > Tool Windows > Profiler or click Profile in the toolbar. If prompted by the Select Deployment Target dialog, choose the device to which to deploy your app for profiling.
  2. Click anywhere in the CPU timeline to open the CPU Profiler.

How do I profile the net core app?

To profile a . NET Core application

  1. Under Choose what you want to profile, New Process Run, click. Add run configuration.
  2. In the New Run Configuration wizard, choose . NET Core Application and click Next.
  3. Specify application options:
  4. Click Save.

How do I open a diagnostic?

Go to Start , then select Settings > Privacy & security > Diagnostics & feedback. Make sure that the View diagnostic data setting is turned On, and then select Open Diagnostic Data Viewer.

How do you write a profile code?

To profile your code and improve its performance, use this general process:

  1. Run the Profiler on your code.
  2. Review the profile summary results.
  3. Investigate functions and individual lines of code.
  4. Save the profiling results.
  5. Implement potential performance improvements in your code.
  6. Save the files, and run clear all .

How do I run a Java profiler?

To profile a specific class:

  1. In the Projects window, select the class that you want to profile. (This class must contain a runnable method.)
  2. Choose Profile > Profile File from the main menu.
  3. Select a profiling task in the Select Profiling Task dialog box.
  4. Specify any options for the task.
  5. Click Run.

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