What is iridodialysis?

What is iridodialysis?

Iridodialysis is the disinsertion of the iris from the scleral spur. It is in contrast from cyclodialysis, which is disinsertion of the ciliary body from the scleral spur. This patient suffers from monocular diplopia and glare.

What is meant by traumatic cataract?

Traumatic cataract is a clouding of the lens that may occur after either blunt or penetrating ocular trauma that disrupts the lens fibers. Most traumatic cataracts are intumescent, but their type and clinical course depend on trauma mechanism and the integrity of the capsular bag.

What type of cataract can result from trauma?

Traumatic cataracts. Traumatic cataracts can occur as a result of a sharp penetrating injury to the lens capsule and/or lens, or a blunt concussive force.

How is iridodialysis treated?


  1. Bed rest and observation.
  2. Sunglasses, tinted contact lenses or those with artificial pupil may help reduce the symptoms.
  3. Surgical repair may be considered in cases of large dialyses or persistent monocular diplopia.

How does iridodialysis occur?

Causes. Iridodialyses are usually caused by blunt trauma to the eye, but may also be caused by penetrating eye injuries. An iridodialysis may be an iatrogenic complication of any intraocular surgery and at one time they were created intentionally as part of intracapsular cataract extraction.

What are the signs of iridodialysis after an eye contusion?

Clinical features:

  • Symptoms: pain, blurred vision, history of blunt or penetrating trauma.
  • Signs: Acute phase: Hyphema and an irregular pupil. Slightly reduced intraocular pressure due to iritis or increased aqueous. outflow through the disrupted structure of the angle.

What is the treatment for traumatic cataract?

Traumatic Cataract Treatment In eyes with existing injuries, if the lens damage is clear and extensive with cortical material in the anterior chamber, lens removal is performed at the same time as repair of the cut in the cornea, termed as the primary procedure.

Can traumatic cataract be cured?

Occasionally a mild traumatic cataract will heal on its own, especially in children. If the cataract must be removed, the clouded lens will be extracted surgically and replaced with a clear artificial lens. Usually a new, artificial lens is implanted at the same time the cataract is removed.

How common is traumatic cataract?

Traumatic cataracts occur in 24% of patients with globe contusions across the globe. A concussion cataract may occur due to and in a blunt trauma.

When should iridodialysis be fixed?

Iridodialysis commonly occurs secondary to blunt ocular trauma,1 penetrating ocular trauma, and intraocular surgical procedures. In the cases of small iridodialysis, surgical intervention might not be required. However, large symptomatic iridodialysis often needs repair.

What is iridodialysis repair?

Repair of iridodialysis. A, A cataract surgery–type incision is made at the site of iridodialysis or iris disinsertion. A double-armed, 10-0 polypropylene suture is passed through the iris root, out through the angle, and tied on the surface of the globe under a partial-thickness scleral flap.

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