What is consistent deformation method?

What is consistent deformation method?

The force method of analysis, also known as the method of consistent deformation, uses equilibrium equations and compatibility conditions to determine the unknowns in statically indeterminate structures. This means that there is one reaction force that can be removed without jeopardizing the stability of the structure.

What do you mean by a force method?

The force method (also called the flexibility method or method of consistent deformation ) is used to calculate reactions and internal forces in statically indeterminate structures due to loads and imposed deformations. The system thus formed is called the basic determinate structure .

What are the steps followed in solving an indeterminate structure by consistent deformation methods?

Strength of Material 3(2+1)

  • 8.1 Compatibility and Principle of Superposition.
  • 8.1.1 Displacement compatibility.
  • 8.1.2 Principle of Superposition.
  • 8.2 General Procedure.
  • Step 1: Determine the Degree of Static Indeterminacy.
  • Step 2: Redundant Force/Moment.
  • Step 3: Solution of Basis Determinate Structure.

Which are the force methods?

Detailed Solution

Force Methods Displacement Methods
Types of indeterminacy: Static Indeterminacy Types of indeterminacy: Kinematic Indeterminacy
Governing equation: Compatibility Equations Governing equations: Equilibrium Equations
Force displacement relations: Flexibility matrix Force displacement relations: Stiffness matrix

What is clapeyron’s theorem of three moments?

In civil engineering and structural analysis Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments is a relationship among the bending moments at three consecutive supports of a horizontal beam.

What is stiffness and flexibility?

Stiffness is the extent to which an object resists deformation in response to an applied force. The complementary concept is flexibility or pliability: the more flexible an object is, the less stiff it is.

What is unknown in stiffness method?

In the stiffness method the unknown quantities will be the joint displacements. Hence, the number of unknowns is equal to the degree of kinematic indeterminacy for the stiffness method. zero.

How do you analyze indeterminate structures?

To solve an indeterminate structure it is necessary to satisfy equilibrium, compatibility and force-displacement requirements of the structure….The following methods are used to solve indeterminate structures:

  1. Flexibility method.
  2. Slope deflection method.
  3. Moment distribution method.
  4. Direct stiffness method.

What are the two categories in the methods of analysis in indeterminate structure?

Next, the chapter then classifies the statically indeterminate structural analysis methods into two categories: the method of forces or flexibility and the method of displacements or rigidity.

How do you find a flexibility matrix?

= member flexibility matrix which characterises the member’s susceptibility to deform under forces….Member flexibility

  1. The spring stiffness relation is Q = k q where k is the spring stiffness.
  2. Its flexibility relation is q = f Q, where f is the spring flexibility.
  3. Hence, f = 1/k.

What is the difference between ILD and BMD?

The basic difference between SFD/BMD and the ILD is, in SFD/BMD we get the SF and BM across various sections but in case of ILD the section is fixed and the live load is moving. By using ILD, we can find the section where the SF or BM is maximum due to that particular moving load.

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