What is Breeze full name Mistborn?

What is Breeze full name Mistborn?

Edgard Ladrian
Edgard Ladrian, better known as Breeze, is a member of Kelsier’s crew on Scadrial.

Is Breeze a SKAA?

A well-dressed, overweight man with fastidious manners, Breeze presents himself as a half-skaa Misting. He is exceptionally well-spoken and carries a dueling cane like a nobleman. However, Breeze is actually a full nobleman named Ladrian who has thrown in his lot with the skaa underworld.

Is wax a descendant of breeze?

Are the names of Wax’s parents mentioned? We know that he is a descendant of Breeze from his father’s line.

Who is the lady Mistborn?

Allrianne Cett is a noblewoman from the Western Dominance and Rioter on Scadrial during the Final Empire and subsequent Collapse. She is the daughter of Ashweather Cett and is in a relationship with Breeze.

How old is Waxillium Ladrian?

Characters. Waxillium “Wax” Ladrian: A descendant of Breeze’s house from the original trilogy, he is in his forties, a lawman with twenty years of experience.

What is a steel inquisitor?

The Steel Inquisitors were a type of Hemalurgic construct on Scadrial created from humans. Steel Inquisitors were created and controlled by the Lord Ruler as the policing force for his ministries. The Steel Inquisitors made up the Canton of Inquisition whose job it was to control the use and spread of Allomancy.

Is Cett a Mistborn?

Although they are classified as noble, House Cett has a long history of skaa interbreeding, and as a result Allrianne is the only Cett Allomancer in centuries. During the Siege of Luthadel, Cett, his family and his servants take up residence in Keep Hasting….

House Cett
Books Mistborn series

How old is Waxillium?

What happened to Vin in Mistborn?

After he deserted her, Vin found out that he had been killed by Steel Inquisitors, trying to protect her by denying her existence. Her father, Tevidian is former Lord Prelan, and was executed by the Inquisitors.

Who are vins parents?

House Tekiel
Spouse Elend Venture
Parents Tevidian Tekiel, mother
Siblings Reen, sister
Relatives Salmen Tekiel, Kale Tekiel

Is Vin in love with Kelsier?

You’re not noble, Vin. You don’t have to play by their rules–and that makes you even more powerful. Vin is the main protagonist of the Mistborn trilogy….

Alias Ascendant Warrior, Vallette Renoux
Abilities Mistborn
Family Elend Venture – (Husband) Reen – (Brother) (Deceased) Unnamed Younger Sister (Deceased)

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