What is an endplate fracture?

What is an endplate fracture?

Traumatic end plate fracture (EPF) refers to the EPF caused by trauma, rather than the pathological status of the end plate (EP). It is mainly need to differentiated from the osteoporosis EPF, which is characterized by low bone density and microstructure degradation, leading bone to fracture in a low-energy.

How long does it take for a fractured thoracic vertebrae to heal?

Vertebral fractures usually take about three months to fully heal. X-rays will probably be taken monthly to check on the healing progress.

Is an endplate fracture a compression fracture?

In vitro studies reveal that the most likely type of failure of this anterior part of the spine is a fracture of the endplate as a result of compression. The high incidence of aspecific low back pain concurs with the likeliness of compression fractures of the endplate to occur in everyday life.

Can a fractured vertebrae be fixed?

Vertebroplasty is a new surgical procedure that may be used to treat compression fractures. In this procedure, the surgeon inserts a catheter into the compressed vertebra. The catheter is used to inject the fractured vertebrae with bone cement, which hardens, stabilizing the vertebral column.

What is an endplate?

The end plate is a bilayer of cartilage and bone that separates the intervertebral disks from the adjacent vertebrae (Fig. By age 18, the epiphyseal cartilage has thinned and a subchondral bone plate has formed, thus creating the adult end plate bilayer. Simultaneously, the ring apophysis fuses to the vertebral body.

Where is the endplate in the spine?

Vertebral endplates are located between vertebrae (bones of the spine) and intervertebral discs (gel-filled structures that protect and cushion the vertebrae). They consist of a layer of cartilage and a layer of porous bone.

Is walking good for a fractured vertebrae?

Low impact activities, such as walking or tai chi, are good for your heart, and a healthy circulatory system can increase blood flow to the fracture and help your bones heal faster. It’s also essential to avoid bed rest to minimize your chances of developing blood clots or deep vein thrombosis in your legs.

Is a compression fracture a broken back?

A compression fracture occurs when the front of a vertebra breaks and loses a little of its height, but the back of that vertebra remains intact. Symptoms include pain in the back and sometimes in the arms or legs.

Quelle est la conséquence de la fracture vertébrale?

Si les corps vertébraux sont massivement sollicités de l’extérieur (accidents de voiture, de vélo et de moto, plongée en eau peu profonde, chute, sport, violence), une fracture vertébrale peut en être la conséquence. Un impact de proportions extrêmes ne peut pas être absorbé par les muscles.

Comment soigner la fracture de la vertèbre?

Le traitement de la fracture de la vertèbre a un double objectif : traiter la douleur et améliorer la qualité de vie mais aussi traiter la cause, si celle-ci n’est pas traumatique. Parmi les options de traitement qui existent pour soigner la fracture de la vertèbre, on peut citer :

Est-ce que la fracture vertébrale exerce une pression?

Les patients ne consultent souvent le médecin que lorsqu’une fracture vertébrale exerce une pression sur les structures environnantes. C’est alors qu’apparaissent les symptômes, tels que la paralysie des extrémités ou des troubles de la sensibilité.

Est-ce que la vertèbre est une fracture de compression?

Dans ce cas, la vertèbre est incapable de résister à une grande pression sur la colonne, ce qui cause des fractures. Elle est plus fréquente chez les personnes âgées. Ce type de fracture pathologique surviennent généralement de façon spontanée après un effort, même minime. Dans ce cas, on parle de tassement vertébral ou fracture de compression.

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