What is an avulsion fracture of the navicular bone?
An avulsion injury occurs when increased tension is placed on the tendon while the foot is moving away from the body, whereby the strength of the tendon pulls off (avulses) the most prominent piece of the navicular bone.
How is a navicular avulsion fracture treated?
Navicular stress fractures should be treated aggressively with either nonoperative immobilization and/or screw fixation (4.0-5.0 screws). With either approach, the athlete will have to be nonweight bearing for 6 weeks.
How long does it take for a navicular avulsion fracture to heal?
Healing: It normally takes 6 to 8 weeks for this fracture to heal. Smoking will slow down your healing. We would advise that you stop smoking while your fracture heals.
How is a tarsal fracture treated?
Foot and Ankle Fracture Treatment Options
- Rest: Rest is key.
- Ice: Ice the area for 20 minutes at a time to help with swelling and inflammation.
- Compression: Wrapping the injury helps control swelling.
- Elevation: Keep your foot and ankle raised slightly above the level of your heart to help reduce inflammation.
Can you walk with an avulsion fracture?
Walking: You may walk on the foot as comfort allows but you may find it easier to walk on your heel in the early stages. If you have been given a boot to wear, it is for your comfort only and is not needed to aid fracture healing. If supplied, wear the boot for comfort when walking.
Does a navicular fracture need surgery?
Most treatment options for navicular fractures in your foot or wrist are non-surgical and focus on resting the injured area for six to eight weeks in a non-weight-bearing cast. Surgical treatment is generally chosen by athletes wanting to return to normal activity levels at a faster rate.
How long do avulsion fractures take to heal?
You might need to wear a cast or splint for a few weeks. Fractures usually take about three to 12 weeks to heal completely. For an avulsion fracture in your pelvis or anywhere else where your healthcare provider can’t apply a cast, a short period of rest followed by crutches is helpful.
How is avulsion fracture of the foot treated?
An avulsion fracture to your foot or ankle may require a cast or walking boot. In rare cases, if the bone fragment and main bone are too far apart to fuse naturally, surgery may be necessary to reunite them. In children, avulsion fractures that involve the growth plates also might require surgery.