What is a lateral sewer connection?

What is a lateral sewer connection?

The sewer lateral is a buried pipe (typically 4 inches in diameter) that connects a building’s plumbing system from the foundation to the public sewer main located in the street, an alley, or an easement. Laterals carry sanitary sewage (human waste) and industrial waste.

How long do sewer laterals last?

The average lifetime of a private sewer lateral depends on the material used to construct the pipe. Clay pipes are the most common, but the old-style hub and spigot joints fail, causing the pipeline to break. Today, cast iron is a common sewer lateral material, and should be expected to last about 30-50 years.

How deep should a sewer lateral be?

On average, trenches should be around 12-24 inches-deep, and wide enough to house your pipe comfortably before filling it in with soil and sod. As we’ve mentioned, in cold weather regions, this will need to be deeper or you’ll have problems with your sewage freezing.

What are drainage laterals?

What is a lateral drain? A lateral drainage system is a series of drain pipes connecting the main sewage system or public sewer network. Lateral drains are connected to the drains found on your property, but will most likely be found outside your property’s boundary, often underneath a pavement or public road.

How do you install a sewer lateral?

A lateral is a 4- inch pipe buried below the frost line in a sloped and well-prepared trench….The Process of Installation of Residential Sewer Line

  1. Determine the Pipe’s Depth. Always begin by deciding the elevation of each pipe.
  2. Compute the Slope.
  3. Dig the trench and Lay the Bleeding.
  4. Install the Pipe.
  5. Back Fill the Trench.

How do you maintain sewer laterals?

7 Tips on How to Maintain Your Sewer Line

  1. Tip #1 Limit Food Down the Kitchen Drain Line.
  2. Tip #2 Properly Dispose of Non-Food Items.
  3. Tip #3 Use One-Ply Toilet Paper.
  4. Tip #4 Flush the Plumbing System.
  5. Tip #5 Set Toilets to High Volume Flush.
  6. Tip #6 Tend to Your Roots.
  7. Tip #7 Naturally Clean Your Plumbing System.

What is a sewer lateral cleanout?

What is a sewer cleanout? A sewer cleanout is a point of access where the sewer lateral can be serviced. According to Special District specifications it should be a wye, 4 in diameter with a tight-fitting steel or plastic cap over it. Two cleanouts are typically installed at each house or building.

What are sewer laterals made of?

Sewer Lateral Facts All new main lines are made of PVC, polyvinyl chloride, but many older lines are made from cast iron or clay piping. Cast-iron pipes are notorious for rusting out underground and being very prone to clogging. Clay pipes last much longer than cast iron, but are much more fragile and prone to roots.

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