What happens on day 5 after tonsillectomy?

What happens on day 5 after tonsillectomy?

Days 5–10 post-surgery Between days 5 and 10 after surgery, the tonsillectomy scabs will fall off. This may cause a small amount of bleeding, and some people will notice specks of blood in their saliva. Blood may cause people some concern, but it is a normal part of healing.

How long until you can eat normal food after a tonsillectomy?

Your child should eat soft foods for two weeks. Soft foods include yogurt, cooked cereal, cooked pasta, soft fruit, cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes, soups, pudding, ice cream and smoothies. Avoid foods that are crunchy or have sharp edges (such as chips).

What can I eat on Day 6 of tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy-safe foods: what to eat and avoid while recovering from surgery

  • Following a tonsillectomy, the back of your throat will start to scab up as it heals.
  • Jelly.
  • Broths and light soups.
  • Ice, ice baby.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Rice and pasta.
  • Custard, mousse and pudding.
  • Drink up.

What can I eat 8 days after tonsillectomy?

You may eat soft, plain foods such as gelatin, applesauce, ice cream, and mashed potatoes if your stomach is not upset. You may slowly begin to eat solid foods after you can eat soft foods easily.

What can I eat 10 days after tonsillectomy?

Stick to soft, easy-to-swallow foods, such as applesauce, custard, yogurt, creamy breakfast cereals (oatmeal, Malt-o-Meal), pudding, soup, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, refried beans, and pureed fruits. Most people stick to a soft diet for a day or two after surgery. After that, you can try introducing other foods.

What days are worst after tonsillectomy?

Anecdotal evidence from several ENT departments suggests that pain following tonsillectomy is worst on the second and/or third days after surgery.

What can I eat 4 days after tonsillectomy?

Can I eat fries after tonsillectomy?

You may advance the diet to soft foods for the first 2 weeks, then solid foods after the follow up appointment. Avoid sharp or scratchy foods like chips as they may increase pain and cause bleeding. Salty foods such as soups, broths, and French fries may help relieve discomfort and promote healing.

What can I eat a week after tonsillectomy?

The back of the throat will be irritated for at least a week after surgery. Stick to soft, easy-to-swallow foods, such as applesauce, custard, yogurt, creamy breakfast cereals (oatmeal, Malt-o-Meal), pudding, soup, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, refried beans, and pureed fruits.

Why is Day 5 the worst after tonsillectomy?

Paracetamol and Oxycodone (a stronger prescription-only medicine) are commonly used for pain relief after tonsillectomy. Throat pain builds up for the first few days and is usually at its the worst around the fifth day after surgery.

Can I eat tuna after tonsillectomy?

soft mashed vegetables. soft breads (not bagels and not toast) canned tuna fish or canned chicken. fully cooked pasta.

Can I eat pizza after a tonsillectomy?

Your child should not eat hard foods, such as toast or pizza crust, for two weeks after the operation. These foods may scratch their throat and cause pain and bleeding.

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